52 | miss u

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chloemaxxwwe please stfu and stop being so cute @/chrisevans 612,097 likes, 14,853 comments

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chloemaxxwwe please stfu and stop being so cute @/chrisevans
612,097 likes, 14,853 comments

username1 so fucking adorable

username2 swole king

username3 moved on quick ig

username4 miss u with dean

username5 y'all cute

chrisevans no can do sweetheart
{liked by chloemaxxwwe}

chloemaxxwwe i love your forehead kisses @/chrisevans
{liked by chrisevans}

chrisevans boutta give one to you rn
{liked by chloemaxxwwe}

username6 relationship goals

username7 where's dean!!!

elizabetholsenofficial how can you guys be this cute?? ps i miss u baby c!!
{liked by chloemaxxwwe}

chloemaxxwwe @/elizabetholsenofficial haha thank you lizzie! i miss you too, let's hangout with @/scarjo soon!!
{liked by elizabetholsenofficial, scarjo}

scarjo @/chloemaxxwwe @/elizabetholsenofficial dinner tonight at my place? on me!!
{liked by chloemaxxwwe, elizabetholsenofficial}

elizabetholsenofficial @/scarjo u had me at dinner
{liked by chloemaxxwwe, scarjo}

chloemaxxwwe @/scarjo lets do it!! see u ladies tonight
{liked by elizabetholsenofficial, scarjo}

username8 damn a whole ass trio

username9 issa marvel dinner!!

username10 is it too soon to say they look fucking in love

username11 ahh chris u look so good AND chloe u are so stunning babe


chloe's texts messages

hey. just checking in to see how you've been. it's been a while. 2 months actually..

hey, it has been quite a while. i've actually been great. how about you?

i've been alright. i see you and chris seem very happy with each other.

that's great to hear dean. um yeah we're great. he makes me really happy

that's... amazing chloe. i'm glad you're happy.

how about you dean.. are you happy?

yeah. just letting you know, but i've been talking to renee recently. i wanted to tell you before anything huge happened, but i'm happy.

oh.. that's the mystery blonde that you've been spotted with.. um wow i honestly don't even know how to respond to that..

bingo.. i know this seems really messed up and believe me it kinda is. i know that you both had this beef before.. and then i'm seeing her all of a sudden. i don't know what to tell u chloe...

yeah and suddenly you're talking to her, knowing all the nasty stuff that she said about us?? seriously i cant believe you would do that to me.. i cant believe that you'd do that to yourself..

she's apologized to me recently. i'm giving her another chance chloe, she deserves it. if you moved on with somebody else then why can't i do the same?? this seems so one sided

i'm not saying that you can't move on dean.. you know i don't mean it like that.. i'm really glad that you're happy with each other, but it's just she and i obviously have history with each other and quite frankly you both have history with each other as well.. it doesn't make sense for you to just go after her now that we're over. it's just so wrong that you'd even do that to me.

like i've said before she apologized to me about all those things that she said about us and i simply accepted her apologies. i still feel bad that she said those things to you, but that's all in the past now. i'm trying really hard to move on right now chloe.. can you just let me do so in peace?? it's already hard for me because i miss you.

you're trying hard to move on? you act as if i broke up with you dean. news flash it was all you. you did that on your own. you wanted that actually and now we're both in different places pursuing different opportunities. so you can't be saying that because im not holding you back from anything. chris makes me extremely happy and he magically came to me during my time of heartbreak. he healed my heart when it got broken into a million little pieces dean. you can't just come waltzing in here and all of a sudden say that you miss me?? i'm sorry, but you've made it clear that we're over and i've accepted that fact..

okay i didn't mean to say that you held me back. im fully aware that i was the one who wanted to break up. i remember that day as if it just happened yesterday. i'm glad that you found someone who makes you as happy as you were when you were with me. ill be supporting you from the sidelines don't you ever forget that. i'll talk to you another time and you know i'll always miss you no matter what chloe. goodbye.

goodbye dean.

sending that goodbye text really made it seem like we were saying goodbye to each other for real. was it for real? i actually have no clue. however, i am glad that dean gave me the thumbs up for my relationship with chris. chris is different than any other guy i've been with and i really like that. he's a great individual and gives such amazing advice when i need it. i'm glad that i found him when i was dealing with the break up. he immediately healed my heart and showed me that there was more to love than meets the eye.


another quick chapter for you all. ill probably edit this chapter soon to make it a little longer. thank you for reading and please remember to vote, comment and follow for more content. thank you all again!! see u soon!

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