23 | thats a promise

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chloemaxxwwe u guys heard it first, at wwe evolution, i will be competing against ronda rousey for the raw women's championship

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chloemaxxwwe u guys heard it first, at wwe evolution, i will be competing against ronda rousey for the raw women's championship. come evolution, a new champion will be crowned. raw is my house!
579,103 likes 8,426 comments

username1 yes my queen c

username2 omg already??? im so proud of u girl

username3 uh how did u get a championship match.. you've barely been here lmao

username4 irrelevant vs overhyped :/


thebriebella WE LOVE YOU CHLOE YES


chloemaxxwwe @/thenikkibella @/thebriebella @/alexa_bliss_wwe_ u three are my whole life, thank u for the constant support! i love u all!

username5 we see u makin money moves

username6 lmao ^ u rlly quoted cardi b HAHAHA

thedeanambrose proud of u princess, u are my lover forever 💖

chloemaxxwwe @/thedeanambrose u are the best boyfriend ever. i love u all the way to the moon and back.

romanreignswwe superwoman up in this bitch

chloemaxxwwe @/romanreignswwe i can't believe u just said that, but thanks big bro ro

wwerollins kiddo, this is the move. u out here doing big things!!

chloemaxxwwe @/wwerollins ugh thank u big bro seth, u are so lame kid

username7 queen of raw

finnbalor 😍
{liked by chloemaxxwwe}

username8 lol balor tryna swoop in

username9 we see u finn

username10 finn tryna get back w chlo omg.. dean what are u gonna do


uh finn what was that comment for?

come on chlo, i can't even compliment u? it was just an emoji love. is dean mad at u or something?

no, he's not. he said he doesn't care but rn he's working out and uh he's breathing rlly heavily. pretty sure he's annoyed with me and pissed at u

im sorry but if you're here to tell me to not comment on your posts anymore, im sorry to tell u but im not gonna stop. i think you're beautiful and i will not hesitate to state my opinion.

why are you being like this all of a sudden? what's going on with you finn..

nothing's going on.

do u like miss me or something?? you've never acted like this before.

u know i have always missed u. even after we broke up. i know we broke up on a "good note" but u know im still hurt. u never told me why u broke up with me. u broke up with me knowing that we were supposed to get married.. do u have any idea how hurtful that was towards me? i hate that u moved on while im still utterly in love with u...

finn.. please. i broke up with u because i felt like i was holding u back. look at yourself, you've accomplished so much after we ended our relationship. i have always supported u from the sidelines even after we ended our relationship.. u know that i was in love with u too finn, but i think our time has passed. i want to apologize to u finn, i know we were going to get married.. i just wasn't ready for that. i can't do this right now. im sorry.

no, don't apologize for anything. i put all of this on you very abruptly so i don't blame u for not knowing what to say. just know, u have never held me back from anything. u never have and u never will hold me back. u were and still are my biggest support system. i love u and i won't stop fighting for us chloe. i still have that ring that you left behind. that's a promise.
{seen by chloemaxxwwe}


oof, finally some tea. idk what i was gonna write so i started jotting down random ideas and here we are now.

anyways, hope u all enjoy this chapter! i really liked writing it. if u guys enjoy the rest of my content, please check out my other two books which can be found on my profile! thank u guys and see talks soon! luv u all!

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