56 | quadruple date

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chloemaxxwwe finally got to do that long awaited quadruple date 🤩 i fucking love all of you guys!!! @/alexa_bliss_wwe_ @/chrisevans @/danielbryan @/imsebastianstan @/theartemc @/thebriebella @/thenikkibella 631,864 likes 14,950 comments

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chloemaxxwwe finally got to do that long awaited quadruple date 🤩 i fucking love all of you guys!!! @/alexa_bliss_wwe_ @/chrisevans @/danielbryan @/imsebastianstan @/theartemc @/thebriebella @/thenikkibella
631,864 likes 14,950 comments

username1 where do i sign up to become apart of this legendary group i-

username2 shut up this is so cute

chrisevans hope you liked the flowers babe
{liked by chloemaxxwwe}

chloemaxxwwe @/chrisevans i didn't just like them, I LOVED THEM!
{liked by chrisevans}

thenikkibella this was the best night ever
{liked by chloemaxxwwe}

thebriebella bryan and i had so much fun with you guys tonight!!
{liked by chloemaxxwwe, danielbryan}

username3 evans and chloe r too cute i can't handle them

username4 again where is dean at

imsebastianstan this truly was the best first date with @/alexa_bliss_wwe_ looking forward to some one on one dates in the future too 😉
{liked by alexa_bliss_wwe, chloemaxxwwe}

alexa_bliss_wwe c! thanks for introducing me to @/imsebastianstan hehe he's amazing and tonight was amazing!!
{liked by chloemaxxwwe, imsebastianstan}

username5 wow winter soldier and bliss are together ahhh

username6 i love this

username7 an iconic bunch of people

thedeanambrose glad you had fun, it was nice running into you

chloemaxxwwe @/thedeanambrose wish i could say the same

thedeanambrose chloe... please

chrisevans @/thedeanambrose leave her alone pal

chloemaxxwwe @/chrisevans ❤️
{liked by chrisevans}

username8 sips tea

username9 omg what goes on

username10 omg they ran into dean



imsebastianstan a very blissful evening @/alexa_bliss_wwe_ 601,838 likes {comments have been disabled}

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imsebastianstan a very blissful evening @/alexa_bliss_wwe_
601,838 likes {comments have been disabled}

alexa_bliss_wwe_ liked


hey y'all! i wanted to get a quick short chapter up because I START COLLEGE today... that's so crazy to say.. i remember starting these books when i was in middle/high school!

just around this time last year, i was just starting to write this book and also starting my senior year. it's so so surreal and crazy to me how fast one year can fly by.

i'm really glad how this story has been throughout the year and i'm glad that there are still people who like reading my books, so thank you.

please remember to vote, follow and comment if you enjoy my content. comment also if you have any feedback i prefer messages through here.

ill try to update whenever i have the time since school is starting again for me! see you all very soon and thank you once again!

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