36 | victoria's secret model

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chloemaxxwwe @/tmrwmag thank u so very much for having me today! this was a super fun shoot 🌸610,834 likes 11,945 comments

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chloemaxxwwe @/tmrwmag thank u so very much for having me today! this was a super fun shoot 🌸
610,834 likes 11,945 comments

username1 beautiful

username2 ugh why r magazines booking you and not sasha or smth

username3 uh can u like model or something chloe

thenikkibella girl! you are so gorgeous
{liked by chloemaxxwwe}

chloemaxxwwe @/thenikkibella thank u nikki! love u!

thebriebella how do u manage to look this good???
{liked by chloemaxxwwe}

chloemaxxwwe @/thebriebella ah brie, u flatter me too much

alexa_bliss_wwe_ @/chloemaxxwwe u deserve the title of  'the goddess' more than i do chlo
{liked by chloemaxxwwe}

chloemaxxwwe @/alexa_bliss_wwe_ lexi! stop it, you're the goddess around here

username4 waiting on dean's comment

username5 it really be like that sometimes oof

thedeanambrose sweetheart, you are so beautiful. i fall more in love with you each and everyday
{liked by chloemaxxwwe}

chloemaxxwwe @/thedeanambrose as do i ambrose. i love you dean.

wwerollins my lil sis looking fucking fire woo love tht
{liked by chloemaxxwwe}

chloemaxxwwe @/wwerollins YOU ARE SO EMBARRASSING but thank u seth hehe

romanreignswwe we see u chloe we see u out here
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chloemaxxwwe @/romanreignswwe u embarrass me too.. BUT THANK YOU RO

username6 lost in ur eyes

realpaigewwe DAMN OKAY CHLOE
{liked by chloemaxxwwe}

chloemaxxwwe @/realpaigewwe omg haha i love you

{liked by chloemaxxwwe}

chloemaxxwwe @/charlottewwe u are so cute charlotte! thanks love!

username7 u are a whole victoria's secret model

username8 queen chlo


hey guys! here's another chapter! i had some time tonight and decided to get a chapter out! hopefully this week i can get another chapter out! this week is kinda super jam packed SO I WILL TRY MY VERY BEST!

if you guys enjoy my content, please continue to vote, comment and follow! thank you all and see you guys soon!

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