38 | hot coco

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chloemaxxwwe never too early for some hot coco @/thedeanambrose 610,734 likes 10,572 comments

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chloemaxxwwe never too early for some hot coco @/thedeanambrose
610,734 likes 10,572 comments

username1 those cups are so cute!

username2 lovin that red theme y'all have going on

thedeanambrose our first of many Christmas's to come love

chloemaxxwwe @/thedeanambrose you're so cheesy i love it

username3 question! how r u?

chloemaxxwwe @/username3 i am doing absolutely great!

enews really feelin the holiday vibes from our favorite couple

username4 all i want for christmas is u

username5 candy canes



enews you guys have voted for the last month and here is your top couple of 2018! chloe and dean! congrats you two, an award is coming your guys way! ❤️716,918 likes 14,803 comments

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enews you guys have voted for the last month and here is your top couple of 2018! chloe and dean! congrats you two, an award is coming your guys way! ❤️
716,918 likes 14,803 comments

username1 voted like 163847928 times

username2 aw man i wanted justin and hailey to win

username3 my king and his queen

chloemaxxwwe omg what a surprise! thank u guys for voting for the both of us! i appreciate u all deeply and i love u always!

thedeanambrose literally had no idea that this was going on but uh thanks for supporting me and my love

username4 ahh y'all both look fire in this picture

username5 why does chloe look so fucking good in every photo she's in like?? how is it possible to be this beautiful

username6 u guys are literally the hottest couple!!


hey!! IM BACK! it's been almost two weeks and im sorry for not updating sooner! i've been so so so SO busy with school and christmas shopping that i have had absolutely no time to update!

i apologize for taking so long and for the length of this chapter! it's quite short but i just really wanted to get something out there for you guys! it's been long overdue!

please continue to vote, comment and follow if you guys enjoy my content! i will see u guys hopefully super soon for another update! thank u and i love u!

unexpected | dean ambroseWhere stories live. Discover now