33 | this isnt goodbye

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hey finn, you're staying at the marriott right?

yeah i am. room 201, are you heading up?

yeah, im on the way. see you in a bit

see you love
{seen by chlo}


i had arrived in front of finn's door. i had been tossing and turning all week trying to come up with ways to talk to him. i couldn't think of a single thing and now i'm just standing in front of his door contemplating what i should do.

i pinched myself and knocked on the door. i waited a few moments and then the door opened revealing finn. he looked as if he just woke up. he smiled at me and let me inside.

"hey finn." i said to him as i sat down on his bed.

"hey c, so what'd you want to talk about?" he questioned, sitting opposite of me.

"i wanted to let you know that dean and i are taking a break." i whispered.

"oh shoot, is it because of me? c, im sorry about that love." he said holding my hand.

"well you see, he told me that i haven't fully gotten over you yet. i am starting to see that myself." i said, staring into his eyes.

"is that so? chloe.. you know how i feel about you, i haven't stopped loving you." he confessed again.

"finn, i know. i love you too but right now i am so torn. i love dean but i also love you. he told me to go to you. to spend a night with you again." i told him. "trust me when i say that it was one of the hardest things i had to do. leaving him was truly hard."

"chloe, i told you i am willing to do what ever it takes to get you back. let me have my time with you, it's been long overdue. i love you so much love." he said as he placed his lips onto mine.

i let him deepen the kiss as he pulled me onto his lap. i broke the kiss and stared at his face, into his eyes.

i put my hand on his cheek and smiled. this was the man that i feel head over heels for. he smiled at me in return.

he placed his lips back onto mine and the rest.. well we'll leave it up to your imagination.

as for me, i still don't know what this means for dean and i. finn and him both are different people, i have no idea what is going through my mind. i just know, they both own a piece of my heart. time is what i need to decide. hurting them in the process is what i am afraid of.



chloemaxxwwe this isn't goodbye, it's a see you later

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chloemaxxwwe this isn't goodbye, it's a see you later. thank you for letting me go and giving me time to decide what i really want in my life. i will forever love you dean ambrose, thank you.
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oof hey guys! here's another chapter kek! sorry im late!

pls continue to vote, comment and follow, i APPRECIATE IT! COMMENT ALSO BECAUSE I LOVE FEEDBACK.

ps thank you for getting i found you to 20k, that's so amazing that it finally hit 20k. i am so happy! see y'all soon for another update!

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