37 | gnarly

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wwe @/thedeanambrose has arrived in houston, texas specifically for @/wwerollins 713,924 likes 18,075 comments

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wwe @/thedeanambrose has arrived in houston, texas specifically for @/wwerollins
713,924 likes 18,075 comments

username1 whats w the mask uhm

username2 this is a whole ass look on dean omg

thedeanambrose u already knw

username3 dean and seth r literally so cute together on tv even when they're supposed to be against each other

username4 love this look

wwerollins @/thedeanambrose better not hit me too hard bro

thedeanambrose @/wwerollins of course anything for you babe

wwerollins @/thedeanambrose u rlly just called me babe rn

username5 uh chloe come get ur mans

chloemaxxwwe @/username5 hes always flirting w seth to make me jealous #overit

thedeanambrose @/chloemaxxwwe BABE i love u

chloemaxxwwe @/thedeanambrose clearly u love seth more!! it's okay i get it

thedeanambrose @/chloemaxxwwe i love u more sweetheart
{liked by chloemaxxwwe}

username6 who's the third wheel, seth or chlo????



wwe will @/rondarousey be able to find a partner for tonight's tag team match? 704,914 likes 17,939 comments

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wwe will @/rondarousey be able to find a partner for tonight's tag team match?
704,914 likes 17,939 comments

username1 oof who is it

username2 overhyped ronda ugh

username3 tired of these three tbh

chloemaxxwwe 😉

username4 chlo always b droppin the hints

username5 the comeback of the year or whateva

username6 we missed seeing our queen on tv fr!

username7 too sweet



chloemaxxwwe lost in japan but not really 643,921 likes 10,887 comments

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chloemaxxwwe lost in japan but not really
643,921 likes 10,887 comments

username1 how r u this pretty

username2 gorge

username3 oof dean is one lucky dude

thedeanambrose @/username3 that i am
{liked by chloemaxxwwe}

username4 coppin that pink shirt rn bc it's so cute

username5 i want me a man that would support me the way dean supports chloe..

shawnmendes great music taste! thanks for the support chloe!
{liked by chloemaxxwwe}

chloemaxxwwe @/shawnmendes ahh im a big fan! i love ur music hehe!
{liked by shawnmendes}

thedeanambrose @/shawnmendes watch urself kid

chloemaxxwwe @/thedeanambrose please don't pick on my mans thank u next!

shawnmendes you guys are too cute aha! ill dm you chloe when i have a concert nearby to hook u and your friends up with some vip backstage tickets as well!

chloemaxxwwe @/shawnmendes that would be wonderful! thank you so much shawn!

thedeanambrose @/shawnmendes thanks.. i guess

username6 shook because dean chloe and shawn know each other shshhs that's fucking gnarly


YO! here's anotha chapter because thankfully i had no homework today! bless up! i hope u guys enjoy the chapter because i had a lot of fun writing it.

if you guys like my content, please vote comment and follow! thank u all so much and see u guys super soon!

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