41 | nyc date nights

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chloemaxxwwe nyc date nights with the one who makes me happiest! i love you so so much @/thedeanambrose621,094 likes 11,653 comments

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chloemaxxwwe nyc date nights with the one who makes me happiest! i love you so so much @/thedeanambrose
621,094 likes 11,653 comments

username1 ah you look so good chloe!

username2 cute dress

username3 can't relate :(

username4 get married already ugh

thedeanambrose ^ planning on it ;) i love you chlo 🤤
{liked by chloemaxxwwe}

chloemaxxwwe @/thedeanambrose you're so dumb but i still love u 😏
{liked by thedeanambrose}

username5 i love you, nyc queen

thenikkibella xoxo
{liked by chloemaxxwwe}

thebriebella hey upper east siders, gossip girl here
{liked by chloemaxxwwe}

chloemaxxwwe @/thenikkibella @/thebriebella um.. we gotta grab alexa and some food bc i sense a gossip girl marathon coming soon

username6 ugh gossip girl, the only show that matters


super short chapter guys i am SO SORRY! i've been so so busy with my finals for high school and on top of all that, i have choir things plus my drivers license test!

so much has been happening over the last few weeks, but i will try my very best to update soon for everyone!

i'm sure you've all heard the news of dean not resigning (still not 100% sure if it's a work or not) but even if he does leave, I WILL CONTINUE TO WRITE ABOUT HIM! my love for him and what he does will never go away! he's the one who got me interested in wrestling and wwe in the first place! so he holds a special place in my heart!

i'll see u guys soon! thanks for the support, i appreciate it!

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