50 | captain america

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twitter update

@/chloemaxxwwe it truly pains me to announce this to you all, but as of a few days ago dean and i have decided to end our engagement which means we have decided to go our separate ways. we both felt that we have grown apart from each other and time played a huge part in our breakup. time was just not on our side.. since he's no longer in the wwe it was so hard to find time to see each other... we both ask that you guys don't send hate to any one of us as this was a mutual breakup that we both decided on. he's still going to be a huge part of my life and that will never change no matter what happens. i also would like to wish him nothing but happiness and success because that is what he deserves. thank you everyone who has loved us every step of the way. i love you all so much and see you all very soon.
190k retweets, 280.9k likes


twitter update

@/thedeanambrose as you all may know by now, chloe and i have decided to break up which means we have ended our engagement. this may seem like a shock to some of you... believe me it is a pretty shocking announcement. even after all this, i still have a huge amount of love for her, but sometimes life pulls you in different directions and that's fine. we both wanted different things in life and that's completely fine. please do not send her any hate, she doesn't deserve any of that. chloe will always be an important part in my life that i'll never ever forget. she's an amazing person who will make any lucky guy happy. so please, no hate on her ok?? ill wrap this up now and thank you all for listening. you guys are the best.
180k retweets, 280.1k likes


2 months later


chloemaxxwwe thanks for tying my shoes capt

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chloemaxxwwe thanks for tying my shoes capt. so i won't trip everywhere hehe you're simply amazing @/chrisevans
631,009 likes 13,765 comments

username1 what is this

username2 anyone wanna tell me when this became a thing...

username3 damn she went from a fan to his gf?? i aspire to achieve this in life..

username4 ngl i miss dean but this is a cute pair too

username5 chloe and captain america.. ok we see u girl

thenikkibella @/theartemc why won't you tie my shoes like this
{liked by chloemaxxwwe, theartemc}

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