Chapter 17

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*excitement noises*

Chapter 17

"Katsuki Kirishima!" the doctor called out.

He huffed and stood up slowly, using the wall to balance while he got himself on his feet. He laughed slightly and patted his stomach before waddling over to his obstetrician. "I swear to god, most of my day is spent just trying to stand."

She laughed, saying while she led him to a room, "Yeah, I bet it's getting pretty cramped in there now."

"Their kicks have been feeling more intense lately. I also think they're roughhousing with each other a bit too," he laughed.

She motioned for him to sit on the chair in the middle of the room. He followed her directions and sat down, holding back from sighing in relief at being off of his feet again. "They might be! They can at least feel each other in there. Now, let's start off with this ultrasound!"

Katsuki nodded and pulled up his shirt, laying back and relaxing. "I really can't wait to meet them. Eijirou, the girls, and I did a lot of baby shopping this weekend and we also packed my hospital bag. It was eventful and it's really making me want to meet these little kids," he sighed, rubbing up and down his bump with his hand.

"Well, there's only two weeks till your due date, you're at week 38 now. After they're born you'll be wishing for them to go back to how they are right now, trust me."

"Oh, I've had newborn twins before. They behaved better outside my body then inside. I'm just hoping these rascals follow in their footsteps," Katsuki huffed.

She laughed and squirted the gel on his stomach, gently smearing it around with the ultrasound wand. "Yep, there's the boy," she said with a smile, moving to the other side of his stomach, "And the girl! Oh my, they are wrestling," she laughed before she paled and her mouth fell open, "Oh fuck."

Katsuki's head snapped toward her, surprised by her language as she normally didn't swear around her patients. His face contorted into fear and worry. "Wh-What's wrong?!"


Three days later

"Red Riot, Ground Zero, we're so glad to have you two on the show!" the host said happily, smiling at the two of them.

Eijirou smiled back and pulled Katsuki a bit closer on the loveseat they were on using his arm that was around his waist. "We're happy to be here!"

Katsuki nodded once.

"So, how have you been?"

"Well, I can say that we've definitely been more tired then probably ever before," Eijirou laughed.

Katsuki snorted softly. "Oh, shut up. Compared to me, you practically go into a coma every night."

"Nuh-uh! You literally woke me up at two thirty in the morning today to buy you sweet pickles. And then you made me go out and buy more because I didn't buy the whole pickles and only the sandwich ones!"

"The babies want what they want!"

The host laughed as the two looked back to her. Currently, Eijirou and Katsuki were at an interview. It was being aired on live television at the moment. It was actually less like an interview and more like a talk show. "So," she said, "I have a list of questions that I've gathered from your fan bases and, well, the conjoined fan base for your relationship."

"Ah, right, I forgot there's literally a Wiki-fandom page about us," Eijirou said.

"Well the first question is one that I have that is related to said Wiki-fandom page," she said, "Do you know why your 'ship name' is KiriBaku? While searching for questions, I found many things that were labeling your relationship with the name and I just can't seem to figure out why it's called that."

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