Chapter 14

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Today is the day I can finally get the hell out of here. I get to graduate and never come back here only for families of course. I got up and started to curl my hair. Jack came up and asked, "So what are the plans after you graduate?"
"Uh well I plan to live this hell hole and move somewhere else." I said smiling.
As I finished my hair I started to pat on makeup.
"Why would you want to leave its gorgeous here!" He said.
"Because to many bad memories, plus I want to start our lives off. We could move out to the country at least. So where out of town." I said hugging him.
"Let's build our own house? He suggested.
"Uh okay!!" I said kissing him.
As I put on this cute summer dress I put my cap and gown on.
"Babe are you ready?" I yelled.
As I walk down the stairs I see him with a camera pointed towards me.
"Smile!" He said.
As I smile I then notice this is the last time I will ever have to go back to high school again. This is the last time I will ever have to see Alex, Michael, and everyone else. We got into the car and drove to the high school.
**1hour later**
"Talia Hanfield." My principal said.
As I climbed the stairs a shook his hand and grabbed my diploma. As the ceremony come to an end, I say good bye to my teachers and off I was.
"Want to go out to eat?" Jack asked.
"Why not, I got nothing better to do!" I said smiling.
As Jack heads to the car I go over to my locker to get the rest of my stuff. I start placing my pictures in my bag and taking off all the papers. I hear foot steps and I think it's Michael. I quickly ran into the boys bathroom.
"And I was like honey you stink." I heard a boy say.
"Yeah did you hear your ex Talia is getting married like some time!" Another boy said.
"I uh don't want to talk about her. I miss her and yeah." Alex said.
"She is a hoe dude. She sleeps with everyone." One of the boys said.
I then popped out of the stall and said, "I for on have only slept with 3 guys and by the looks of I darling you aren't doing any better."
"What are you doing in the boys bathroom?" Alex asked.
"I uh had to pee. Why are you in the boys bathroom?" I asked.
"Because hint the name BOYS. Hey guys I will catch up to you in a few. So why are you really in the boys bathroom?" He asked smiling.
"Because I heard footsteps and thought it was Michael and I panicked. He held a gun up to me and threatened to kill me." I said looking away.
"It's okay. He can't hurt you. Is it true though?" He asked.
"Is what true?" I asked quickly.
"Are you getting married?" He asked.
I lifted my hand and said, "Yeah in a couple of months. Do you want an invite?" I asked smirking.
"I would love one." He said hugging me.
As our hug was ending Jack walked into the bathroom.
"What's going on?" Jack asked.
"I thought I heard Michael coming up the stairs but really it was Alex. I ran to the boys bathroom to hide. We were just talking about how crazy Michael got. I swear." I quickly responded.
"Okay well I made reservations for dinner. I will get you stuff. Hurry though." Jack said quickly.
As Jack leaves Alex looks at me and says, "He seems nice. I wish you and I would of worked out."
"Well anyway it was good seeing you." I said. As I kissed his cheek, that was the last time I will ever see Alex.

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