Chapter 10

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How does he know all this. It's scary.
"Hey babe. You didn't announce our engagement anywhere did you?" I asked.
"No why?" He said grabbing our bags.
"Because Michael just texted me and asked how was my engagement." I said handing my phone.
"I'm going to kill him if he does t stop harassing you." He said slamming the phone to the floor.
We grabbed our bags and headed to the front desk. Once we were done with that we headed to the airport.
"So when we get home are you going to give me your present?" He asked smiling.
"Yes and I hope you like it." I said kissing him.
**24 hours later**
We were home and three days till school started back up.
I kissed Jack good bye and got into my car. I pulled out of the driveway and headed home. I realized I didn't give him his present. I made a U turn and headed back. I jumped it and someone grabbed me.
"Talia how could you be such a slut?" A familiar voice asked.
"Michael? What do you want?" I asked quickly.
"I want you. We were so happy then this asshole came into the picture!" He yelled.
"Michael." I said turning around. "I never thought of you more than a friend."
I quickly ran up to the door and unlocked it with the key Jack gave me.
"Babe what's wrong?" He said running towards me.
"Mich-Michael yelled at me. But I came back to give you something." I said handing him a box.
"Okay." he said ripping the paper.
His eyes widened and he smiled.
"This watched cost $330. How and why?" He asked.
"Working extra and because I love you!!" I said.
"I love you." he said hugging me.
I kissed him good bye and walked out the front door. As I look at my car "whore" was written on the sides and all the windows were smashed.
"Jack!" I screamed.
I hear the door open and he said, "What in the hell happened?"
"I-I don't know. I think Michael did it." I said hugging him.
"That's it I'm calling the police. I'm going to file a vandalism report. Good thing I have cameras. Let's take a look at them." He said grabbing my hand.
As he scrolls through the date he finds today. January 2nd at 4:30 p.m. My eyes grew wider and wider at the sight of Michael ruining my car.
"Will I have to go to court again? I asked quickly.
"Hopefully not." He said holding me.
"You know what I'm just going to stay here tonight okay?" I asked nicely.
"Totally fine with it." He said smiling.
As the night descends into darkness I know tomorrow will bring hate!

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