Chapter 19

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**8 months later**
My stomach is getting huge and I feel fat. I can barely see my feet and I am always tired.
"Babe we have my check up today!" I yelled.
"Okay. When are we going to practice our hospital run?" He asked.
"I think in about 2-3 days." I said.
"Okay." He said.
As I put on a maxi dress, I grab my purse and walk down stairs.
"Wow I don't care how big your stomach is getting. You look beautiful." he said.
He always touches my stomach and talks to it. He is always talking to her and saying she is a princess. As I climb into the car he jumps in.
"So I think we should change the baby's name to Michelle." He said.
"Uh why the sudden interest in changing the name?" I asked.
"Well I don't know. Please?" He asked.
"Okay okay fine!" I said.
We pulled up to the hospital and I got placed into a room. I just wanted this appointment to be over so we could go shopping for our baby.
"Hello guys, lets take a look at the little one." our doctor said.
He put the cold gel on to my stomach and started to take pictures.
"Your baby girl looks healthy as can be." he said.
Our appointment came to an end and we drove to the mall. My back was starting to hurt and my feet feel like they are going to fall off.
"Ohh lets go into that store. I love the colors." I said.
We walked in and saw so many cute dresses and onesies. I grabbed a couple of things and then checked out. Later today we have a couple class. I'm excited.
**2 hours later**
I was sitting on the floor and Jack was rubbing my back. In like 2 1/2 weeks I should be a mom. I got into my knees and a sharpe pain struck though me.
"Oh my ouch! Something isn't right here." I yelled.
"Someone call for an ambulance." Jack hollered.
I remember getting placed into an ambulance but the only main thing I can remember is the pain. When we got to the hospital they put me into a room and the pain was unbelievable. I felt like I was dying.
"Ouch it hurts so bad. Oh ouch." I cried.
"Can somebody help her. She is in pain." He yelled.
Finally they gave me medicine and I started to feel better. Finally it was time.
"Talia I need you to push on the count of 3. Ready 1 2 3 push." The nurse said.
"Ahhhh ouch." I screamed.
"Okay now give me another big push. Ready 1 2 3." She said.
I pushed with all my might and finally Michelle was born. The look on Jacks face was amazing.
"Babe you did it. Oh my gosh she is beautiful just like you." He said kissing my forehead.
"Can I hold her?" I asked.
As the nurse hands my baby girl over to me I feel in love with her. She is beautiful.
**1 day later**
Both of our parents came today. My mom and dad were the first ones to get here. My mom started to cry and said, "She looks just like you Talia but you can definitely see Jack."
My dad was already crying. I am so tired just so tired.
"Babe could you tell everyone to leave the baby and I need som rest." I whispered.
"Sure anything for you." he said. "Alright everyone it's time to leave momma bear and the cub need some rest." He laughed.
He gently placed her into the little crib thing and crawled into the bed with me. I never thought I would be here. I never thought I would get married or have a baby. I'm just thankful everything is like it is. I have the perfect husband and the perfect little baby. Nothing can ruin that.

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