Chapter 17

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**2 years later**
Today is the day. I can't believe it. I'm 21 and getting married. People would think I'm crazy but I'm not. I have my hair done, my make up done, and have my dress on. My friends and I were getting ready for the most important day of my life. I'm scared excited and also nervous.
"Okay ladies it time to head over to the church." My mom said.
I climbed into the limo and started to look back on our happy memories. Finally we reached the church. I got out of the limo and said, "Momma I don't think I can do this. My heart feels like it is in my throat." I said.
"You can baby girl I know you can." She said kissing my face.
As my bridesmaids flow out into the church I finally see everyone stand up. The music started and I gripped my dads arm like a gun.
"Dad I'm shaking." I whispered.
"So am I. I'm letting my little girl go!" He said.
Jack turns around and just lets out a huge smile. As my dad gives me away, I stick my tongue out at Jack. Everyone in the church start to laugh.
As the ceremony goes one here come our vows.
"Talia you are the most beautiful person I have ever meet. You are crazy, funny, and most gassy person I have meet also. I feel in love with you the first time we meet. You changed me and in a good way. I'm glad I get to spend the rest of my life with you." He said.
As I try to catch my breath I wipe away the tears and said, "Jack you have saved me from a lot of things, not to mention the time you got my head stuck in the oven. You showed me what love is and I now understand why everyone wants it. I knew you were the one when we thought alike. I will love you through the rough patches and even the soft ones."
As we kiss each other I just want to melt into his arms.
We head over to the reception and now come are speeches.
"Talia and Jack, I'm glad you two meet because I thought Talia would ever find love she was just so dorky in junior high. But look at her now a beautiful young lady. I love you Talia best wishes!" Said my dad and mom ask he teared up.
Jacks parents didn't say anything but they came up to us and wished us luck.
I had my father daughter dance next and I was already tired.
"Hi daddy!" I said.
"Hey baby doll. May I?" He asked.
"You may. So how are you and mom?" I asked.
"We are good. We your mom is." He cried.
"Awe daddy don't cry I love you." I said crying. As the song came to an end Jack and I had our first dance. He grabbed my hand and my waist.
"I love you. And everyone is staring and it's making me nervous!" I said resting my head on his shoulder.
"Well I'm glad they are staring because you look stunning." He said spinning me out and back in.
"Whoa there spiff where did you learn that." I said laughing.
**Few hours Later**
I was drunk but Jack was sober.
"I don't understand why stars have to be in the sky. Or why I can't live on the sun." I slurred.
"Because your too hot for that." he said putting me into the bed.
"I want a baby Jack I do." I said falling asleep.
"Let's talk tomorrow when you know what you are saying." He said kissing my forehead.
I woke up the next morning with a head ache and the feeling of vodka. I walked down stairs and saw Jack cooking in our new house.
"Morning babe. Did you make coffee?" I asked holding my head.
"Here take these and drink some water." He said laughing.
"What's so funny?" I asked.
"We you were talking all kinds of nonsense last night." He said flipping pancakes.
"Oh yeah like what?" I asked laughing.
"How you wanted a baby. I'm am to young for that and no I don't." He said laughing.
"Uhh yeah me too." I said trying to smile.

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