Chapter 23

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I walked into Zac's office and sat down on his couch.
"He..he is cheating on me wi..with Kristen." I said crying.
"He did what... Do you need somewhere to stay?" He asked.
"No Michelle and I will get a hotel." I said.
"No you guys can stay with me. My niece comes over all the time and her bed is still here. Please I insist that you do." He said.
"Okay but just for a few nights." I said laughing.
As I go out to my car Jack pops out of nowhere.
"Talia, honey please. We have to make this right. I love you." He said.
"Jack go away. I got to go get Michelle and then I'm going over to Zac's." I said shutting my door.
He punched the wall and said, "Oh really. So what I don't get to see my daughter anymore. I'm a fucking lawyer you would loss against me."
"Calm down Jack I never said that. We need a break what you did was wrong and it really hurts. How many times before?" I asked.
"What?" He asked.
"How many times before this? Hmm!" I said.
"Three other times. Talia it was in the past." He said.
"I got to go." I said getting in my car.
I drove home packed up mine and Michelle's things. The I headed over to my parents and picked up Michelle.
"Hey mom and dad where is Michelle?" I asked.
"In the back what's wrong? You have been crying." My mom asked while my dad went to get Michelle ready.
"Uh Jack has been cheating on me and I just found out." I said.
"I'm going to kill him." My dad said.
"No dad just don't okay for Michelle." I said.
I grabbed Michelle and headed to my car. Michelle turns one in three days. I drove over to the address Zac sent me and knocked on the door.
"Hey Talia." He said opening the door.
"Again thank you so much." I said.
As Michelle fell asleep on Zac's nieces bed I got ready for bed also.
"You can have my bed." Zac said.
"Oh no I could never just take someone's bed. We can share." I said.
"Okay I will make a wall." he said laughing.
I was watching him and he was shirtless and everything. I walked over to him and touched his abs. I then grabbed the back of his neck. He then grabbed my body and kissed me.
"Oh you have no idea how long k have wanted this." He said.
"Oh yeah we get ready for..." and then I woke up. That little part was a dream everything else was a living nightmare. I woke up in his bed and he wasn't on his floor bed. I got up and walked out to the living room. He was watching Dora with Michelle on the couch.
**Ding Dong**
Zac opened the door and Jack rushed in.
"Hey baby girl." Jack said.
"What in the hell are you doing here." I said.
"Getting my daughter for the day. Since my WIFE wants to leave." He said grabby Michelle and her stuff.
"Oh my do you blame me." I said.
Jack then picked up Michelle's diaper bag and walked out.
"Fucking prick." I said.
"It will be okay. Coffee or any food." He asked.
"No I thing I will be fine. Let's just sit down and relax." I said.
As Zac turns on the tv the first thing that pops up is 50 Shades Of Grey.
"I can change it." Zac said."
"No it's fine leave it." I said.
As I was watching, the way they made love was so different. I looked over at Zac and smiled.
"What?" He said.
"I just for got you love this movie." I said.
"I do." he said.
The guy in the movie then brought his whip and started to slap her in a sexual way. I then unbuttoned my shirt and let it drop. This was not a dream. He looked over and stared. I got on top of his lap and started to kiss him. He then threw me onto the couch and started to pull my pants off.
"I have been looking forward to this moment." He said.
"Hell yeah. Me too." I said.
We sat there after it was done.
"I uh.." I said.
"Yeah." he said.
"It was.." I said.
"Indeed." he said.
"Want to go shower?" I asked.
"Why not." he said.
We got into the shower and he help get things wet. I turned around and had a flash back to when Jack and i were in the shower. If I wanted him gone I have to over do those memories. I grabbed Zac's neck and kissed him with all of my might. He picked me up and slammed me against the wall I scratched his back at the pleasure.
I heard a creak and Jack said, "Oh I see why you wanted to stay here."
I got out and followed Jack.
"Talia we can't live like this. I miss you. We can forget about having love with other people." Jack said.
"Jack I don't know if I want to go back. Zac treats me right." I said.
"I treat you right also. Please Talia we have a family." He said.

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