Chapter 12

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I saw an empty living room with a women's purse sitting on the coffee table. I creeped up the stairs and peaked through the crack of his bedroom door and saw nothing. I pushed open the door and the room was clear. As I walk back down the stairs I hear foot steps in the kitchen. I set my bag down and storm right into the kitchen.
"Who is she your co worker or booty call? Hmm!!" I hissed.
"Talia I would like you to meet my mom Margret." Jack said with his cheeks flushed.
I shook the nice ladies hand and quickly left the room. Minutes after me Jack came up to me and asked, "What the heck was that all about? We are engaged and I don't understand." He said.
"You never told me your mother was coming. Actually you never tell me anything to do with your family!" I said fiercely.
"That's my business not yours." He said.
"Right yours." Taking off the ring. "Then go find someone who you will make it their business." I said with my eyes over flowing with tears.
I ran towards his bed room door, down the stairs and out the front door. I hurried into my car and drove off fast. I don't remember how fast I was going. I needed to drive. I needed time to think, time to clear my head. I keep driving till it happened.
**crash, bang, boom**
**few minutes later**
I looked up and see smoke, glass, blood, and vehicles.
"Help someone please help!" I hear a little girl say.
I unbuckled myself and forced my door to open. Everything is still shaky. I feel myself having a shambling walk, swaying side to side. I finally reach the small little girl.
"Please my mommy is sleeping can you help me wake her?" She asked crying.
As I follow the little girl I see her young mother laying on the ground. So much blood. I got onto my knees and checked for a pulse.. Nothing.
"Umm sweetie what's your name?" I asked the tiny frightened girl.
"Lexi."She said.
"Lexi will you go sit over there I need to check the other people okay?" I said quickly.
As the little girl walks away I try to search for more people. I make my way to a truck and see a man who's in his mid 40s.
"Sir can you hear me?" I asked quickly.
"My legs. I can't feel them!" He said panicking.
"Sir do you know what happened?" I asked.
"Yes I was driving down this road when a red van came out of nowhere. Hit me and then my tail end hit another car. I suppose that must be you!" He said.
"Yes it is. Where exactly are we?" I asked him.
"The country side. I do know exactly." He replied.
"Well the mother in the mini van DO. I can't see barely anything with all this smoke." I said.
"Go find help. We need help." he said panicking again.
I walk back to my car and look for my phone. I climb into the back and finally I find it, shattered screen and everything.
Operator: 911 what's your emergency?
Me: Yes I was in and accident. One dead and another could be paralyzed. Also a little child. Please get help right away.
Operator: I need your location?
Me: Some where on the country side.
Operator: Alright Ma'am help is on the way.
I get out of my vehicle and find the little girl.
"Lexi, come with me. Help is coming." I told her.
"Is mommy alright?" She asked.
Tear came to my eyes as I said,"Yes she is. Come on let's go over here."
I hear sirens in the distance. As we get placed into ambulances, all I can think of was what just happened?

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