Chapter 20

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We have been home for about a week now and I have bags the size of Texas under my eyes. She is always eating, sleeping and pooping. And Jack won't touch her poopy diaper I always have to change them.
"Babe she pooped. Come on up!" He yelled.
"Nope you do it. I have change every single one." I said.
"Fine at least come watch me." He said.
As I climbed the stairs I hear a big tump. I hurry into her room and see her on the floor and Jack trying to pick her up.
"What happened?" I asked rushing over to them.
"I turned my back for like three seconds and now we are here. I am so sorry!" He said.
"It's okay things like this happen lets just pack her up and go to the hospital. But I will drive." I said grabbing the diaper bag.
We get to the hospital and they take her in for checking. As we are waiting Jack is beating himself over this.
"Love it was an accident. This could of happened to any one. Don't best yourself up." I said rubbing the back of his neck.
The doctor came in and said, " Everything looks fine. Just give her some Tylenol when you get home and she should be good to go."
"See I told you everything would be fine." I said.
"No Talia nothing is fine about this you don't fucking understand." He said picking up the bag and getting into the car.
I hoped into the backseat with her and we finally made it home. He slammed the drivers door and headed inside.
After I got inside I took Michelle into her room and laid her down. I shut I her door and walked over to his office.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked.
"Nothing just leave me alone." He said.
"No because that was ridiculous at the hospital. I don't understand why you are so upset." I said quickly.
"Because I don't know if I want this anymore." He said placing his head onto his desk.
"What do you mean by this as in our marriage and our baby?" I asked with my eyes filling with tears.
"No no no. Oh Talia I love you so much and Michelle too. I just don't think I can work and be here." He said walking over to me.
"Well what should we do?" I asked hugging him.
"I am going to quick my job." he said.
"No your not. I start at working on Monday and Michelle goes to daycare. Babe everything is going to work out." I said kissing his cheek.
"Where do you start work at?" He asked.
"I'm working at your business as a intern. They are going to pay me $10.75 an hour. I work for who ever wants me and what ever they want me to do." I said smiling.
"Good because I barely get time with you and I miss having us time." I said.

Today is the day I finally get back to work. I have been sitting on my ass for so long I just need to get up and move. Jack and I ride to work together since we are going to the same place now. My day starts off making copies of flyers. The most boring thing anyone can do. Interns get to sit in a room and wait for someone to pick them. After I was done with someone's work I went back to sitting on my ass. Finally Jack walked in and picked this gorgeous brunette over me. She had this thin figure and huge boobs.
To Jack: Who is that girl?
From Jack: Kristen Jackson. Why?
To Jack: Just wondering. Anyway I got to get back to work. Love you!
I never got a reply. I say there until this handsome 20-30 year old walked in and picked me.
"Hi my name is Zac its a pleasure to meet you." he said.
"Hi my name is Talia and it is a pleasure to meet you!" I said.
As I follow him into his office I see that Kristen girl making coffee. I sat down in a chair in front of his desk.
"So how is your first day here?" He asked.
"Well making copy's must be my thing because that is all I have done." I said smiling.
"Wow you got a great smile. Anyway could you make 15 copies of this?" He asked.
"Sure thing." I said standing up.
As I went to grab the paper are hands touched and I quickly but not weirdly pulled away. I can't be doing this no not ever. As I walked over to the copy machine I happen to run into Kristen.
"Hi like totally isn't this the best job ever." She said to me.
"Yes it is if you like making copies all day." I said.
"I totally do. Your funny haha see you around." she said skipping away.
I finished my copies and walked back over to Zac's office.
"Well you make copies fast." He said.
As I sat down my phone vibrates.
From Jack: Hon I have to stay late could you find a ride home.
"Oh my gosh." I said out loud.
To Jack: Fin but you have to pick up Michelle. And I will be home late!
"Is everything alright?" Zac asked.
"Yes...No I have to call for a cab tonight." I said searching for the number.
"I could give you a ride home. Its no trouble." Zac said.
"If it's no trouble then okay." I said.
I sat in his office for the rest of the day and half the night talking.
"So what time do you usually head out of here?" I asked.
"Well everyone in the building is gone by 10:30 p.m and I usually have to lock up." He said grabbing his stuff and heading towards the door.
But Jack is always home so late and he always tells me he has to stay after. I went into the interns lounge and grab my stuff to head home.
"So where do you live?" He asked.
"I live on the country side. Peace and quiet." I said getting into his car.
"Yeah I live in town." He said smiling.
As we drive up to my house I see Jacks car.
"Well thanks you for the ride." I said hugging him.
"Anytime." He said smiling.
As I got out of his car I slowly walked up to the door. It was locked. The first thought that ran though my head was he is cheating. I put the key onto the knob and clicked it open. When I opened the door I couldn't believe my eyes.

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