Chapter 8

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I woke up and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I fix my hair and my makeup and turn around and see Jack sitting there laughing.
"What?" I asked.
"Your just too cute." He said smiling.
I climb on to his lap and asked, "Can I go make coffee.
"No, but I can!" He said laugh.
I followed him to the kitchen in my underwear and his button down shirt. I went to the cabinet and leaned on my tip toes and grabbed a cup.
"I wasn't just looking at your butt." he said with his eyes glued to my backside.
"Oh you weren't. Want me to do it again?" I asked.
"I remember you dancing last night. do it again." He said.
"Was it like this." I said walking towards him.
I started to grind on him.
"Or like this. " I said smiling.
I started to give him a lap dance.
"You need to stop. I'm getting horny." he said holding his junk.
"Let's go up stairs." I said winking at him. "Wait what time is it?"
"It's a quarter after 9 a.m." he said looking at his watch.
"Oh okay. I will text my mom and tell her I might stay at my "friends" house again." I said smiling.
"I like the way that sounds." He said smiling. "Do you want to go out to eat?"
"Why not." I said hugging him.

*Two Months Later*

To Jack: Hey babe I will be over in five!
**Ding Ding**
From Jack: Okay good. Love you!
I pulled into his driveway and walked to the door. Knock a little and walked in.
"Jack.. I'm here." I said setting my bag down.
"Come up stairs love." He yelled.
I traveled up the stairs and walked into his room. Two envelopes were siting on the bed and he was no where to be found. I was all bundled up because it's three days till Christmas.
**Ding Ding**
From Michael: Hey stranger. Sorry it's been awhile but maybe we could finish where we left off.
To Michael: Hey bud. That's very difficult because I'm in a relationship right now. Ttyl!!
"Babe... Help!" Jack yelled.
I ran into the closet and my mouth dropped. Wha-what why is there clothes and bags?
"Love what's all this?" I asked.
"Go to Paris with me! I already asked your parents and told them it was from the trail." He said walking over to me.
"Yes I will. I love you Jack I do!!" I said holding him. "For a second I thought you were cheating or something."
"I could never cheat on you. Your everything to me." He said kissing my forehead.
I sat down on the bed and grabbed my phone.
**1 new message**
From Michael: I know your damn disgusting secret. You lawyer and you!!
My heart dropped and I couldn't breathe.
"Ja-Jack. Come here quickly." I cried.
"What is it?" He said.
"Michael knows about us and I-I don't know what to do!" I cried in his lap.
"It's okay, we have to tell your parents." He said lifting my face and wiping my tears away.
I shock my head and we got into the car. As we pulled up to the house, I got out of the car and grabbed Jacks hand.
We walked into the house and sat down in the living room.
"Mom.. Dad can you come here." I hollered.
My parent came down stairs and sat a crossed from us.
"I have to tell you something. Have an open mind please." I begged.
"Okay honey what is it? My mom asked.
"Well Jack and I are dating and have been since the trail basically." I said hiding my face in his shoulder.
"Thank god. We thought you were running with Michael again did you hear he got caught with crack in his car?!" My dad said.
"We knew all along. We check your messages. we are fine go have fun in Paris. Why do you think we said yes." my mom said smiling.
"Thank you guys so much. I love you guys." I said hugging them.
Jack and I went up to my room to grab a couple more things. After that we headed back to his house and packed our bags.
"So Christmas is three days away and my birthday is two." I said smiling. "I will be 19 and almost be out of school."
"I know and here." he said handing me a box.
"I want to wait till." I tried to say but he cut me off.
"Just open it." He said smiling at me.
I pulled the ribbon off and opened the box. Tears filled my eyes when I saw the diamond earrings.
"Ohh I love them. Thank you." I said walking over to him.
"So do I get mine?" He asked smiling.
"Not a chance pal." I said laughing. "When does our plane leave?"
"In about5 hours." he said.
"So we have time to.." I said unbuttoning my pants.
He grabbed me by the waist and said, "You know Talia, you probably the most sexy girl I know."
**1 hour later**
We grabbed our bags and got into the car. When we pulled up the the airport, we checked in. As we boarded the plane we sat in first class. I grabbed my blanket and cuddled with Jack.
"So I should of told you sooner but I have never rode on a plane." I said gripping his leg.
"Your hurting my leg." He said smiling.
As the plane took off I dug my head into his shoulder.
"Look out the window. It's a gorgeous sight." He said rubbing my back.
I lifted my head and glanced out the window and smiled.
"It is defiantly gorgeous."I said smiling at Jack.
**12 hours later**
"Babe I have to pee." I said with a scared look on my face.
"Well then go pee." He said smiling.
"I'm scared to. Come with me!" I said rubbing his leg, getting closer and closer to his junk.
"Woah woah okay. Let's go." He said.
We got up and I entered the bath room. Believe it or not the bath room was pretty big. I squatted and peed.
" Why aren't you sitting?" He asked.
"Uhh because gross butt germs." I said gagging.
He smiled and grabbed my butt and kissed me. I kissed him back, and by the looks of it we were making out.
**Knock Knock**
"Please take your seats now." A flight attending said.
We left the bathroom and took our seat. I leaned over and kissed his neck.
"I can't wait to get off this damn plane." he said rubbing my leg.
We both had changed into comfy clothes. I was in yoga pants and he was in sweat pants. We both then fell asleep after that. We woke up to the captain speaking.
"4 more hours and we are in Paris." He said.

**4 hours later**

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