Chapter 24

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The fight with Jack was something that we need to fix. I love my family but something about Zac makes me want him. I promised Jack we could try to get things back to normal. So I went over to Zac's house.
"Thank you so much for watching Michelle." I said.
"No problem." He said smiling.
He walks closer to kiss me but I quickly snap my head.
"Jack and I are going to try to make things better." I whispered.
Zac rubbed his mouth and said,"Makes sense. You guys are married." He said walking away.
I followed him into the back room.
"What's wrong?" I'm asked.
"Nothing other than the fact that I love you Talia." He said sitting at his desk.
"Zac I'm married. what happened the other day shouldn't of happened." I said sitting down.
"I know... I know." He said.
"Well thank you so much for letting us stay here!" I said standing up.
I walked over and hugged him. I then grabbed all of mine and Michelle's bag and headed back to our house. Michelle threw up so I had to stop at a gas station to clean up. So then I we went inside to eat something.
"Excuse me miss can you please donate 10$ to the foundation for the poor." This black man said.
"No sir I may not. I don't have proof that you are really doing that stuff." I said getting up and walking way.
Michelle and I got back in our car and started back on our way to home. I hope that everything goes okay. No more fighting or lying and lastly cheating.
"We are home Jack." I said.
Michelle turns one tomorrow so we have been planning a birthday party for her. When Jack didn't answer I thought oh god not again. I quickly but Michelle in her play room and I ran up the stairs. No sign of him. Then I sprinted into his office also no sign of him. I thought to my self where else would he be. I walked over to the basement door and opened it. I slowly walked down the stairs and there was a light on in this little room. I opened the door to see what I wasn't expecting.
Authors Note!!!
Sorry for the short chapters all of them but it's been a busy couple of weeks but hope you have enjoyed the book. I will be writing the last chapter and then the book ends. Vote for it and make it spread!!
XoXo~ Cathryn!!

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