Chapter 15

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It was a 2 weeks since I have graduated and I'm just glad I can sit down and relax. I finally moved out of my parents house. I left my bed and my dresser but I told almost everything else. I kept having nightmares over and over. The same one about Michael.
"Please no I didn't mean to!" I screamed.
"I don't care." he held holding the gun to my head!!
I jumped with fear noticing that it was just a dream.
"Babe are you okay?" Jack asked.
"Yeah I..I just had a bad dream." I said breathing heavily.
"You need to go see a therapist. You are obviously traumatized by what happened." He said.
"I am fine." I yelled and got up and walked out.
As I walked down the stairs I went over to the kitchen and made a pot of coffee. It was 6:45 a.m and I couldn't go back to sleep. Jack has work in a couple of hours so he stayed up stairs. As the clock ticks by so does the picture of what happened.
**1 hour later**
I can hear him upstairs getting ready for work. As I hear the creak of the door nob I look for him to walk down the stairs. He comes dressed in a suit and tie.
"Morning." I said handing him a cup of coffee.
"Morning. So what did you do?" He asked.
"I uh went for a run. Yeah totally relieved the stress." I said itching my head.
"Your lying." He laughed.
"Yes I am. What do you want me to say?" I asked.
"Nothing." he said.
I moved in closer and his hands held me tight. I looked up and kissed him.
"I promise I am fine. You don't need to worry okay. Now go fight for someone." I said slapping his butt.
He smiled at me and said, "I love you forever!"
"I love you always." I said.
As he pulled out of the drive way I shut the door and locked it. I grabbed some snacks and went over to the couch.
**Ding Dong**
As I get up I look through the peep hole and see Alex. I open the door and said, "How do you know where I live."
"I googled it." he said.
"Is something wrong?" I asked.
All of a sudden Michael comes out of now where and pushed Alex inside.
"Now i would like to finish what I started in the hospital." Michael said.
"Ok ok." I said looking at Alex.
"Oh and I brought him because I have plans today." Michael said.
"Michael can we go upstairs just you and me?" I asked.
"Really what would we do?" He asked getting excited.
"Only we would know." I said butting my lip.
"Talia you don't have to do that!" Alex said.
"But I want to." I said winking at him.
As Michael follows me into the guest room I shut the door behind me.
"So can I be on top this time?" I asked.
"Uh okay." he said smiling. "I'm glad you want me again." he said.
"Let's tie you up to make it more sexy." I said grabbing my robe strap.
As I tie him up I said, "Lets turn the lights off to be more surprised."
"Okay baby but you will be surprised already."
As I turn of the light I make a run for it. I go down the stairs and grab Alex.
"You stupid bitch untie me or else." Michael screamed.
As Alex and I run to one of the neighbors house we call the police. They show up to my house and take Michael in hand cuffs.
"Let's got back to my house. I need some tea." I said.
As we enter the house I shut the door.
"So how did Michael find you?" I asked.
"I was working and he said we were going for a ride. All of a sudden I was here." he said.
"Well I'm sorry you got dragged into this." I said rubbing his arm.
As we walked over to the couch he grabbed my arm and kissed me.
"Alex I am engaged. We can't." I said pulling away.
"I am sorry. I really am." He said.
"Well it's getting late. I should call you a cab." I said walking over to the phone.
As I tell the cab driver to come to my house Jack walks in.
"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" He asked.
"I'm fine love I am. Luckily Alex was here to help." I said smiling but feeling guilty.
"Thanks man for helping her out." Jack said.
"No problem." Alex said.
As Alex leave Jack starts to kiss my neck. I just pushed him away.
"You can't just do that every time that happens. I'm going to bed alone." I said.
As I walked away he just stud there confused and sorta mad!

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