Chapter 16

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I woke up and Jack wasn't there. He probably is pissed at me. As I walk over to the guest room he isn't there either. Where could he be? A traveled down the stairs and didn't see him on the couch. Where is he?
"Jack? Are you here?" I hollered.
No respond. I make my way into his office and find him passed out on his couch.
I walk over slowly to him and say, "Jack I am so sorry for what I said and for how I acted I love you and that is all that matters." I said hugging him.
"Talia I try to help you and all you do is blow up on me. Of this is how our lives will be when we are married then I think it would be a bad idea to get married." He said sitting up.
"I..i..i will just go then. I will have my dad come by and get my stuff." I said crying.
Before he could say anything I was in my car and outside my mom and dads house.
"Daddy." I cried.
"Awe honey what's wrong?" He asked.
" and Jack I think are done! Dad I love him." I cried once more.
"Oh love life is to short to be making huge decisions like that." He said.
"Will you just go over and get my stuff please and give him this." I said while handing him the ring.
-------Dads point of view-------
I drove over to Jacks house and slowly walked up to the door. My knuckles hit the door as I pounded on it.
"Hi Gary. I suppose you are here for Talia's things?" He said.
"Yes sir and she wants me to give you this." I said handing him the ring.
I noticed tears forming in his eyes as he said, "Gary I don't want to lose her again. I love her. I want her in my life forever and ever."
"Sit down son. Talia looks brave on the outside but she is very soft. After the whole incident with Michael every thing has flipped her world upside down. She needs you. She is still in shock and needs time to heal." I said.
"Sir is it okay if I go over to your house and you just stay here? I need to talk to her alone." He said quickly.
"Yeah sure." I said.
------Back to Talia's point of view------
I heard the door open and I sat up.
"Hey dad did he cry? If he did I would feel bad." I yelled as a turn towards the door I see Jack.
"Talia you need to stop running. I am head over heels for you. I can't take it if you leave me again. Gosh dammit!" He said.
"I just don't understand why you got so mad. I'm hurt. I'm scared and all you want is sex and stuff. I'm just not..ready yet." I cried.
"I get that and I am sorry for being that way. I am here to help you heal. Hell you keep me in shape. What I am say will you please come home again?!" He said.
"Yes I will come home." I said while wiping the tears away.
"Then put this gosh damn ring back on and keep it there." He said laughing.
I shuffled forward and pulled him close and said, "Now I'm ready!"
**1 hour later**
Jack was on the phone with the constructor of our house. I wrote down everything I wanted.
• master bedroom
• clear shower
• jacuzzi bathtub
• huge walk in closet
• 4 extra bedrooms w/ bathrooms
• huge chef kitchen
• laundry room
• playroom
• office
• huge living room
• man cave with bar and slide up t.v
• house almost all glass and wood
• play set in back yard, pool and trampoline
The list could go on but anyway I'm just so happy everything is working out.
"Babe they said that the house will be done in like a year tops!" He said.
I jumped into his hands and said, "Lets hope we will be married."

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