Chapter 21

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I saw an empty house. Nothing was there. I slowly walked over to his office and nothing was there. As I walked up the stairs my heart dropped to my feet. This could be it the moment of truth. I creeped open the door and saw a bunch of candles.
"Jack I'm home." I said.
He comes out in just a towel with a guitar. He starts to play a song. All of a sudden he drops the towel and he his standing there naked playing the guitar. I walked over to him and kissed him.
"Wait where is Michelle?" I asked.
"I took her over to your parents for a couple of nights." He said standing there naked and look hot.
I took off my skirt and shirt and walked over to him and kissed him.
"I miss this. Having time to ourselves." I said.
"Me too." he said hugging me.
I then pushed him onto the bed.
"Should I put a condom on or..." he asked.
"Yes unless you want another baby." I said getting closer and closer to him.
"Nope I'm fine." He said.
**Next Morning**
I got into the shower and started to get ready for work. I put on a tight black skirt and a blouse that hung low also a pair of high heels.
"Wow hon you look uh... Fucking hot. Like if you were a teacher and I was your student like wow." He said.
"Well thank you love." I said.
We are now taking our own cars because one of us is always staying late. It's my second day and I'm quite excited.
I walked into the interns lounge and Zac was waiting there with a cup of coffee.
"You with me today!" He said.
As Jack walks in he noticed k was gone.
From Jack: Where are you?
To Jack: I'm with Zac.
From Jack: I thought today was our day?
To Jack: I'm sorry.
I didn't get a reply. But as we were sitting in his room he kept staring at me and I could help my self either.
"Want to go on a court thing with me?" He asked.
"Uh why not. Why better than making copy's." I said standing up.
I pulled my skirt down a little and he smirked.
"What?" I asked.
"Nothing. I liked lit before." He said walking out of his room.
I didn't know what to say. As I follow him Jack is with Kristen. She is leaning in close with her breast practically in his face. As I get into Zac's car we pull out and head into the city. It's about 1-2 hour drive.
"So what's your favorite movie?" I asked.
"Either the Note Book or 50 Shades of Grey." He said.
"You like those books?" I asked.
"Yeah the love they have for each other is amazing and plus their relationship depends on sex. It's great." He said smiling.
All I did was laugh. I leaned over to get in my purse and my boob was like practically hanging out. He reached over and popped it back in.
"Oh my gosh I am so embarrassed." I said.
"It's okay. It's not like I didn't enjoy it." He said laughing.
I flipped through his radio channels and found a good station. I was like dancing in my seat and his hand slid over to my leg. I thought as friends he means nothing more. But then he started to move his hand up. I wanted to stop him but I didn't. His hand knew what to do.
"Talia wake up!" Jack yelled.
"I'm up." I said.
"You must of been have a good dream because you were moaning shit." He said.
I laughed and ran to the bathroom. Why was I dreaming about him, I love Jack. What is happening.

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