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(In case you didn't see in the description, this is the sequel to New Girl. So if you haven't read that and you're reading this, you may be a bit confused. Thanks for reading!)

Five Years Later

I stand in front of the church next to Harry. I never thought that I'd step foot inside a church for a wedding that wasn't my own, or Harry's. Weddings just aren't my thing, and this is exactly why. I have to watch the one person that I love more than anything in the world get married to another man. I still remember the day I got the invitation....

I walk outside to the mailbox and pull out the few papers there were, and my eyes widen when I see one written in familiar handwriting. I open it and read what's on the paper.

"You are invited to celebrate the marriage of Grace & Aaron."

That was as far as I wanted to read. At the bottom, there was a short note.

"Please come, it would really mean a lot to me. -Grace."

At first, I refused to come. I didn't want to see the woman I love with someone else. What if she's completely different than when we were together? What if I ruin the wedding?

"Okay, you helped me through my wedding, now it's my turn to return the favor, even though this isn't your wedding. You have to calm down. I know this will be hard, but you'll get through it." Harry's voice distracts me from my thoughts, but it doesn't help at all.

"No it won't. How would you feel if you had to sit and watch Lexi marry another man while you were still in love with her?"

"I would do my best to be happy for her. I would want her to be happy."

"I guess I can try." I sigh heavily.

"You better try now, Lexi just texted me. You gotta get inside and find your seat." He says and I nod, walking inside the small building. As soon as I sit down, I remember that Grace didn't know that I was coming. I totally forgot to tell her.


"How did you do this?" I turn to my older sister, who looks just as beautiful as she did on her own wedding day. "What if I mess up? What if I change my mind once I get up there?"

"Have you lost your mind? I thought you love Aaron!"

"Deep down inside, part of me still loves Louis. I miss him, and he couldn't be bothered to come." I can't tell her the truth of my real feelings. She doesn't know what goes on when she's not around, and it should stay that way. At least four now.

"Maybe that's a good thing, because you're marrying someone else. When you agree to marry someone, it's because you love them, and not your ex boyfriend. I know you and Louis haven't talked in a while and you miss him, but you can't do this now. The wedding is about to start. Now I have to get out there, please do the right thing." She hugs me before leaving the room.

"But doing the right thing means living a life full of sadness and pain." I mumble to myself, sighing before I walk over to the door.

I look out at the room, searching for the boy that I've missed for the past five years. As soon as the door opens, I begin to regret everything. I don't love Aaron, why am I here? I definitely don't want to spend the rest of my life with him.

As I begin to walk down the aisle, my eyes widen as they're met with a familiar pair of blue ones. A small smile appears on his face, and I can't help but smile back. Seeing him made me temporarily forget about my problems, the way it always did. He always knew how to make me happy, and he would never purposely hurt me. Unlike some people....

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