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When I wake up, the bed is empty again. I get out of bed and walk out of my room, looking down the hall. I walk downstairs to find Grace curled up on the couch.

"Good morning." I say, walking into the kitchen to grab a muffin from the table. I walk back into the living room and sit down next to Grace, starting to eat my food. "Feeling any better?" She looks over at me and stands up, walking upstairs. I sigh heavily and lean back, waiting for her to come back.

Once it's been ten minutes and Grace isn't back, I stand up and walk upstairs to her. "Get your shoes on."

"Why?" She looks up at me from her spot on the bed.

"Just do it." I say and walk back downstairs, sliding my shoes on. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and open the door, walking outside to the car with Grace behind me.

"Where are we going?" She asks as I pull out of the driveway and into the street.

"You'll find out when we get there." I feel like we're on our way to Paris again, I know where we're going and she doesn't.

I pull into a large parking lot and park the car, getting out after it's off. She follows me inside and I walk up to the desk, signing her name on the sheet.

"You brought me to the doctor's?"


"I want to talk about this!"

"We can talk about this later."

"Louis-" Grace's name is called and she crosses her arms. We follow the doctor into a room and she sits on the bed. When she refuses to tell the doctor what's wrong, I speak up.

"She hasn't felt well the past few days and we'd like to make sure nothing's wrong." The doctor nods and begins to check her out.

"If it's alright, I'd like to do an ultrasound to finish the visit. Please lay down." She obeys and he grabs a gel, sliding her shirt up. "It's going to be cold." The doctor warns before spreading it across her stomach. I stand next to Grace and grab onto her hand, rubbing it with my thumb. The doctor looks up at the screen and turns to us. "Congratulations, you're pregnant. Would you like copies of the picture?" Grace is too surprised to say anything, so I answer for her.

"Yes please." I say and the doctor leaves the room.

"I'm pregnant." Grace mumbles, not moving from the position she's in. Her eyes are focused on her stomach. I squeeze her hand in attempt to get more of a reaction, but nothing happens. I bend down next to her, taking both of her hands in mine.

"Hey, look at me." I say and she swallows thickly before turning her head to face me. "I'm not gonna leave your side. Just like I said, I'll be here to help you through everything. Alright?" She nods and I kiss her softly, standing up as the door opens. The doctor explains everything we need to know, since it's our first child, and gives us a few things, including the pictures before we leave.

* * * *


I walk inside the house behind Louis. I know he said that we'd talk "later," but it seems like he forgot, and I don't exactly want to start the conversation. I haven't spoken to him since we arrived at the doctor's office and I'm not sure how I've managed to keep my mouth shut this long without exploding.

I sit down on the couch and pull out my phone. Of course, I'm joined by Louis. Not that I don't enjoy his company, it's just that I would like some time to process what's going on before we talk about the baby.

"You said that you wanted to talk earlier. What about?" Here we go. I might as well make something up for now, just until I can think of what exactly I want to say. I hate lying to him.

"Nothing." I mumble, pulling the sonogram picture out of my bag. I know that I don't have a plan for what I want to do with my life yet, but I do have a plan to have a family. I always said that I wanted to start young, and here I am.

"Are you going to tell Lexi soon?" I shrug. She has her own life to live, I don't want to keep her from being happy. Even though she tried to do it to me. "I know she didn't tell you right away, but she's your sister."

"She didn't tell me at all, Harry did, and that was after she decided that they weren't ready to have the baby."

"That doesn't mean that you shouldn't tell her."

"It's definitely not a reason that I should." He sighs and turns his body to face me.

"I know that you aren't happy with my decision this morning, but just wanted to make sure that you were okay. You haven't been feeling well since the day we came home and I wanted to make sure there was nothing wrong."

"Can you just do me a favor?"


"Don't go out and get drunk like Harry did when he was having problems with Lexi."

"I can't promise that I won't go out to have a fun night every now and then but it won't be because of you. Sometimes people just need to have some fun."

"So you're saying that you're going to go out and drink while I have to sit at home unable to?"

"Having fun doesn't necessarily mean drinking. I can go out with friends and not drink. I never said that you couldn't come." I sigh heavily and lean my head back against the couch and stare up at the ceiling, not even noticing that Louis sat next to me. "You're not alone in this, I'm here and I'm not going to leave."

"Even if you did, I know you'd come back." I look over at him.

"I would, but I don't plan on leaving you. I love you and nothing's going to change that."

"Even a screaming child that wants to be fed at four in the morning?" He laughs lightly and I smile, hearing the sound that I've grown to love.

"Not even that." He wraps an arm across my shoulders and kisses my forehead, holding me close to his body.

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