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Month Eight

I walk down the baking aisle, looking through the cake mixes. Grace has been complaining that she's been wanting cake, and it can't be "a boring store-bought cake." She says that I have to make it because the baby would be happier if it was made with love by their father. Some of the things that Grace comes up with really makes me wonder about her. I grab a box of vanilla mix, her favorite, and put it in the cart before grabbing a can of frosting to go with it. After that, I walk back to the front of the store to check out.

Once I'm done, I grab my bags and walk out of the store to my car. Luckily, I always get a spot in the front. It makes it so much easier, not only to find your car, but carry multiple bags of groceries with you. I set the bags down in the back seat and sit in my seat, pulling my phone out of my pocket. Just as I expected, I had a message from Grace. Of course, she was asking if I got the cake mix. I quickly respond to her and turn the car on, pulling out of the parking lot and into the street.

I'm so thankful that we live in the city, everything's close together. When I need to make a quick stop at the store, it's about a five minute drive, and I'd much rather have that than a thirty minute one. I've been there before, and I wasn't fond of it.

As I pull into the driveway, I notice another car parked at the end. It's not familiar, which makes me a bit worried, since Grace is alone inside. I turn the car off and get out, grabbing my bags from the back. I walk inside the house, immediately spotting my sister sitting with Grace.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, walking into the kitchen.

"Am I not allowed to come visit the person carrying my niece or nephew?" Emma responds, turning to watch me.

"Nice of you to come visit me for once." I say sarcastically.

"Whenever I want to come visit, you have plans. So I decided to come visit Grace."

"Are you sure you didn't come to ask me if Harry and Lexi are still together?" I finish putting the groceries and join the two in the living room, taking a seat next to Grace on the couch. Emma looks at me and shakes her head, sighing heavily.

"They've been happily married for five years, Louis. I'm over him. Besides, I love the person I'm with." I nod, remembering that she has a boyfriend that she's been with for a few years.

"You two aren't married yet?"

"No, but we're one step closer to that." I raise an eyebrow at her response, slightly confused. Emma's gaze travels down to the large diamond sitting on her finger.

"That thing is huge. Congrats." I smile, and she does the same. "When's the wedding?"

"In a few months, he wanted to do it before he got sent across the world again. The details will be on your invite, which you should get soon." I nod and look over at Grace, who has her hands placed on her stomach. A pained expression is on her face.

"What's wrong?" I ask, turning my body.

"Just a hard kick." She says. The way that she reacts to some of these things makes it seem worse than it actually is. "I just want to have this baby already!"

"You're almost there, babe."

"I don't want to be almost there, I want it out now!" Emma grabs one of Grace's hands, standing up.

"Come with me." She says, trying to help Grace up.

"I don't want to get up." Grace argues, trying her best to stay put. As much as I don't want to, I have to agree with Emma on this one.

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