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Month Three


As I slide my phone into my pocket, I notice Grace walking into the room. "Feeling better?" I ask, knowing that she had been sleeping on and off last night, this time from something she ate.

"Yeah, much better. What are we doing today?"

"Well, it's almost two in the afternoon, maybe we could start shopping? Or just go out and see where we end up, whatever you want."

"I don't mind shopping, it would be nice to get some things early. It won't be that easy since we don't know what the baby is yet, but we could get a little done." I nod and grab my keys, since we're both ready to go, and walk outside to start the car so it would warm up. It's almost winter, so it's been quite cold lately.

Grace comes outside and gets in the car after a few minutes, thankfully it's warm. I start to drive down the street to the store, which isn't too far away. Our house is in the middle of the city, which makes it so much easier to do things.

Once I park the car, we get out and walk inside. "Do you wanna shop for clothes or stuff for the room?"

"I'd rather shop for the room since we don't know what the baby is yet. We'll just find a way to make it for either gender." She says, starting to walk towards the furniture section.

"Okay, just remember that you're only three months so we don't have to get everything today."

"I know, Louis. Pregnancy doesn't cause memory loss."

"But it does cause mood swings.." I mutter softly.

"What?" She turns her head towards me.

"I didn't say anything." We reach the furniture section and Grace immediately walks over to the cribs.


"I like this one." I say, standing in front of a large, white one that was made to look like a carriage.

"That's nice, but we don't know what we're having yet."

"I know, I'm just stating that I like it." I sigh and continue to walk through the isles, looking for something to buy. It shouldn't matter what I'm having. If I want the carriage crib, I'll get the carriage crib. "I'm just looking for ideas."

"Remind me again why we're shopping this early in your pregnancy?"

"Because you asked if I wanted to go shopping."

"And you agreed."

"I did. I never said that we had to get anything, I would like to know what is available before we look all over the place." Louis nods slowly, crossing his arms over his chest.

"So are you done looking at everything that you wanted to look at?"

"Louis, we just got here. If you want to go, drive home yourself and I'll either find a way to get there or call you when I'm ready."

"I have this bad feeling that as soon as I get comfy at home, you'll call me asking if I could pick you up."

"I wouldn't do that...." I bites her bottom lip, trying to hold back a smile. "Besides, how am I supposed to know when you just get home?"

"You're smart."

"Not that smart. Just stay a few more minutes and look around? See, this crib isn't that bad or expensive." I walk over to a large, white crib made of wood. In my opinion, it was perfect.

"That's a nice one."

"I know. That's why I'm getting it." I walk over to an empty cart across the isle and drag it over. I pick up the box and put it in the cart.

"What are you talking about?"

"I want it, so I'm getting it."

"I thought you said we were just looking for ideas?"

"I want the crib, Louis." I say and continue down the isle. I turn and find high chairs, grabbing one I like.

"I think that's enough for today."

"It's two things, I'll get whatever I want." I huff and continue to walk around the store.

By the time we finish, I had bought a majority of what we needed for the room, with the exception of a few other things. Not only did I get the high chair and crib, but I also got a stroller, diapers, bottles, some clothes, and a few other things.

Louis loads the items into the back of the van, another thing we looked into since finding out I was pregnant, and sits in the seat next to me. "Are we done for the day?"

"Sure." I say, not wanting to argue about anything else today. He turns the car on and pulls out of the parking lot before turning into the street.

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