twenty seven

56 5 0

G r a c e

Today is clearly not my day. It seems like everything that's happened was perfectly planned out ahead of time by someone that hated me because it's only 9AM and I'm already having what feels like the worst day ever.

To start out, I got in my car to leave for work this morning only for it to refuse to start. Of course, my mechanic doesn't have any spare time that he could take my car in, and everyone that I would usually be able to get a ride from is at work. So, I had to walk to work. The best part?

It's down pouring.

So, here I sit at my desk, sipping wet from walking three blocks to work. I practically begged several of my coworkers for a ride, and none of them could care less. Glad to see that I have friends here. Today has just been getting worse and worse.

"Grace, your presence is requested in the Craig's office." A voice interrupts me from my thoughts. Lovely, I'm sure that can't mean anything good.

I nod and stand up, across the large room to a smaller one, knocking on the door before entering and closing it behind me. I know how nosy all of my coworkers are, and I'm sure that they're all waiting to find out what's about to happen.

Craig, who's still on the phone, chatting away with someone who probably has nothing at all to do with the company, motions for me to take a seat in front of him. I sit down and patiently wait for him to finish, now knowing for sure that my assumption about his phone call was correct. He hangs up and takes a deep breath before turning to face me.

"Grace...." he pauses for a moment, deciding on how to word whatever he's going to say. "I don't know how to say this, so I guess that I'm not going to. Jim, you know what to do."

"Wait, what?"

"I have an appointment to go to. Jimmy here will spread the news to you." He stands up, leaving the office.

What the hell just happened? Why did he want me in here, only to leave before telling me why?

I turn to 'Jimmy' and wait to hear the news. He stares at me for a moment before speaking. "He's choosing to let you go."

"What? I'm literally the top employee here, why would I be the one to leave?"

"Basically, the company just lost a whole bunch of money, I'm not sure how, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was due to Craig spending more than we can afford on something that's for him. He decided that he was going to let a few people go, and I guess that you're one of them."

"Why couldn't he tell me this himself?" I ask and Jimmy shrugs, sighing.

"In his eyes, there's always something more important."

"Who are you?"

"I'm his assistant." He frowns, and I actually feel a bit bad for him.

"I'm going to be completely honest with you, alright?" He nods in response. "You deserve better."

"We both do." Jimmy says and I smile slightly.

"Well, thanks for spreading the news. I guess I'll see you around." I stand up and as I put my hand on the door handle, Jimmy stops me.

"Would you like if I got everyone else out so you can get your things without them watching? I know how nosy they can be."

"That would be amazing." I say, and we both smile. He quickly walks out of the office and I hear him announce something in the other room. Once the room is clear, I thank him and quickly grab the few belongings I had from my desk.

I walk into the elevator and go down to the first floor, saying goodbye to the woman in the main lobby before walking outside. Thankfully, it's not raining anymore. Hopefully it stays that way, at least until I get home.


As soon as I walk in the front door, I go straight up to my room and change into some comfier, and drier, clothes. I plop onto the bed and turn the tv on, flipping through the channels for something to watch.

I hear the front door open downstairs and look over at the time. Louis' not supposed to be home for two more hours, and my mind goes straight to someone breaking in. A certain someone that I'd rather stay away from for the rest of my life, and even after that.

I walk over to the bedroom door and lock it, leaning against the back of it to add weight. I hear the knob jiggle and a knock on the door before a voice calls out.

"Grace?" I sigh in relief, turning around to unlock and open the door.

"Sorry, I thought someone was breaking in. Why are you home so early?"

"I could ask you the same thing." Louis says, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"You first."

"I had a half day. Your turn."

"They let me go."

"I'm sorry." He says, pulling my body against his chest. "Did they say why?"

"It wasn't even Craig that did it. I was told he wanted me in his office and he literally left to go somewhere else once I got there. According to his assistant, it might be because Craig's spending more than the company can afford and he's letting people go so we have more money."

"That doesn't make sense, you would think that more people would make the company more money."

"I don't know, I'm just pissed that he wouldn't do it himself."

"You know how Craig is, babe. He's an ass." Louis says, pushing the door closed with his foot. We then walk over to the bed and lay down together.

"Today's just been such a bad day, I want it to end."

"Well, I'm here now, and I'm not going to let anything else bad happen to you." Louis says, kissing the top of my head.

If I knew that he could truly stop bad things from happening, I'd never leave his arms.


this was written on my iPod in one sitting at 1AM so I'm sorry if there's any errors lol

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