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Month Four


I sit on the couch, flipping through the TV channels. As usual, nothing interesting is on, so I turn Netflix on, choosing the first show in my recently watched, which is, of course, Friends. Louis and I usually watch it together but since he's at work, he'll have to miss it. It's not like he'll miss much, he should be home in a few minutes anyway.

Just as I thought, the door opens and in walks Louis with bags in his hands. "What were you doing?"

"Shopping, I wanted to get some things for the baby too." I smile and stand up to walk over to him.

"What happened to thinking it was too early?"

"It's never too early to start planning." He shrugs. "You look tired, why don't you go lay down?"

"I was going to watch TV for a bit but okay." I pick up the remote, but pause. "Did you want the TV on?"

"No, I'll be fine." He kisses my forehead and sets his hands on my small, but growing, belly. "I'll see you in a little bit. Get some rest."

• • • •

I open my eyes and look to my left at the clock. 10am, I guess I really was tired, since it was around 9pm when I last looked. I look over to see an empty bed and roll out of bed, wondering where Louis is.

"Louis?" I call out as I step out of the bedroom.

"One moment!" I hear him tell before the door to the spare room opens. "Good morning." He says and kisses me softly.

"Why were you in there?"

"Don't worry about it." A smile begins to form on his face. "Close your eyes."

"I don't know that I should, you might lead me somewhere scary." I laugh lightly.

"Do you trust me?" I nod, looking up at him. "Then close those eyes!" I sigh and do as he says. I feel his hand grab hold of mine and he pulls me with him. He brings me into another room, pulling the door shut behind us. "You can open them now."

I do as he says and look around the room, which he had already begun to set up for the baby. There wasn't much, but it was painted a bright shade of white with a black carpet. The crib we had looked at not too long ago was set in between two windows, and with a dresser on the opposite wall.

"I know it's not a lot, but it's a start." Louis smiles, looking over at me.

"It's perfect." I continue to look around at the little decorations here and there, smiling as I do. "Did you stay up all night to do this?"

"I stayed up late and got up early." He shrugs, turning his attention back to what's in the room. "I wasn't all that tired and I wanted to get an early start."

"How did you get this stuff without me noticing?"

"Let's just say that you can be a heavy sleeper." That's true, and the pregnancy just added onto it. Hardly anything wakes me up, and that makes me worry about what will happen when the baby arrives.

"That's not always a good thing."

"Why's that?"

"What if there's an emergency? Like the baby wakes up crying, or there's a fire, or something worse." I frown, thinking of all the things that could go wrong.

"Calm down, you have nothing to worry about. I have no problem getting up to take care of our baby. There won't be a fire, nothing will go wrong." He pulls me into his chest, wrapping his arms around my body tightly.

Just because he thinks that nothing will go wrong doesn't mean that I can't worry that something will.

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