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As I take a seat at the bar, I feel like I'm repeating history. Five years ago, I was at Lexi and Harry's wedding, struggling to stay in a relationship with Grace. Now, we're married. I can't believe any of this, I thought for sure that she'd say no. I meant everything I said to her, I really want to be there for everything. I know that I was her first love, and I want to be the last.

I order a drink and look over at Harry, who's dancing with Lexi. I can't tell if they're drunk of if they really dance that crazy. I see someone sit next to me and look to see Grace.

"Drinking already?" She asks, smiling. "Please tell me that you're not doing it to make sure you get through our dance."

"We have to dance?"

"You should know this by now, you went to Harry and Lexi's wedding."

"I know, but I wasn't paying attention to them. I was too focused on you." I smile slightly. "I honestly thought that you wouldn't agree to marry me."

"I'm surprised you didn't move on after we broke up."

"I could never do that, I'm too in love with you. I never thought I would get married at, all to be honest. I never thought that I could make someone happy enough that they would want to spend their life with me." I say and take a drink.

"You definitely make me happy." Grace says, her smile widening.

"You make me happy too." Just as I finish talking, I hear someone announce that it was time for our dance.

"Come on!" She stands up, grabbing onto my hand, trying to pull me up.

"I haven't finished my drink yet." I frown, which causes Grace to laugh, and stand up.

"That's alright, I'm sure it'll still be there when you get back."

"That's alright, I don't need it. I can't drink and drive." I wrap my arms around her waist as she wraps hers around my neck.

"What do you mean? Where do you need to drive to?"

"You'll see." I smile, leaning my forehead against hers. The music begins to play and I take a deep breath. "I hope you know what you're doing because I don't have the slightest clue."

"Just hold me." She says and I do for the entire song and longer than that. We don't let go of each other for the rest of the night and for once, I dont mind. I don't care that my legs are tired and that my feet are beginning to get sore, or that some old guy has taken my drink for himself. All I care about is the girl in my arms. She's all mine, and I couldn't be happier.

When it's announced that the party is over, I kiss Grace softly and stand up straight, taking her small hand in my own. She continues to ask where we're going, but I refuse to tell her until we arrive there. Once we get outside, she says goodbye to her sister and I say goodbye to Harry. He tells me that I better have a plan on where to go for our honeymoon, which he forgot about. I laugh and walk over to the car with Grace. I start the car and look over at her before pulling out of the parking lot.

"Can I please know?"

"You'll find out soon." I smile, driving to the airport.

"Can I ask how you're doing this?"

"What do you mean?"

"This honeymoon. It was supposed to be me and Aaron's wedding, but I married you instead. What if Aaron had plans to do something? How are you going to afford this?"

"Don't worry about the cost, don't worry about anything. Unlike him, I'll never purposely hurt you in any way."

"Okay." She says softly and I pull into the parking lot of the airport.

"I'm just gonna grab your bags and then go to get the tickets." I kiss her cheek and grab our bags from the back seat before getting out of the car. Grace follows me up to the desk to buy tickets, but stays a few feet away so she doesn't hear where we're going. "You have your passport right?" I ask and she hands it to me. I show the lady both of ours and grab Grace's hand again, walking out to the plane. We store our bags and take our seats.

"I've never had first class before." She says, looking around.

"From now on, you will." I smile, leaning my head back. "You should get some sleep, I'll wake you up when we arrive."

A few hours later

The plane lands at our destination and I shake Grace lightly, not wanting to startle her as I wake her up. She stretches and I stand up to get our bags before we get off the plane.

"Can I know yet?"

"I think you'll know once we get to the hotel." I laugh lightly. Luckily, the airport wasn't too far from the hotel, so we walked. I check in at the front desk and the woman gives me the key to our room, explaining where it was. I thank her and walk to the elevator with Grace right behind me. I press the button and the elevator begins to rise.

"We're on the top floor?"

"Of course, it has the best view." I say and the doors open. I walk down the hallway and quickly find our room. I unlock the door and open it. We walk in and I turn the lights on, setting our bags down.

"Only the best of everything for my beautiful wife." I say, walking over to the door of the balcony. "If you step outside, you'll find out where we are, if you don't know yet." She slowly walks over to steps outside and her eyes widen immediately.

"You brought me to Paris?"

"Of course I did. I know that you've always wanted to come here, so where else would I bring you?"

"You remembered?" I nod, trying to fight a smile from forming on my face. "Thank you, Louis, so much. It's beautiful."

"You're welcome. Like I said, you get the best of everything. This is all for you." She walks over to me, wrapping her arms around my neck. "Do you want to do anything right now? It's a bit late, we could watch a movie or go to sleep. Whatever you want." She bites on her lower lip, looking back inside.

"Could we....?"

"Words, Grace, use words." I laugh softly, causing her cheeks to turn a light shade of red.

"I think you know what I mean."

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't. I want to hear you say it."

"Could we go inside and see what happens?" A small smirk appears on her lips and she begins to pull me inside. I sit down on the bed, pulling her with me, and kiss her. I want to make this the best night of her life.

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