twenty four

52 5 0


I grab the few bags that I packed from the floor, ready to start loading them into the car. As far as I know, Louis is still packing, which honestly doesn't surprise me. I'm always ready before he is, he just loves to mess around and procrastinate.

I open the door and immediately stop in my tracks. "Are you Grace?" A man asks, and I raise an eyebrow, confused.

"That depends, who are you?"

"I'm Ezra. I believe that we're related." I nod in response. How did he find where I live?

"How are you here right now?"

"My mother- well, our mother, gave me your address a while ago but I never didn't anything with it. Then you sent me that message." I nod slowly, looking up at her.

"How is she? I mean, she's lied about meeting me so many times, should I be worried? Is something wrong?" He sighs and sits down on the porch. I do the same, setting my bags down beside me.

"I'm guessing she never told you."

"Told me what?"

"She can't leave where she is right now. I don't know the full story, but I guess she owes a lot of money to someone and they won't let her leave until she pays every penny back."

"Oh." I say, looking down. "I guess she really owes a lot then, because I haven't heard from her in years."

"Well, that's not entirely it." Great, there's more reasons. "She's pretty sick right now, and she doesn't know when she'll get better. Not even doctors know."

For some reason, I don't understand anything that he's saying. It just seems too fake to me. No matter what, she would contact me if something was wrong. Even if she didn't have a phone, there's a lot of other people that do. We may not know each other well, but I am her daughter.

Not wanting to start anything with someone I just officially met, I nod. I'll just go along with whatever he's trying to say. "So I may never get to meet her in person."

"I'm not saying that."

"But no one knows when she'll get better." I say, interrupting him. "So I've spent my whole life being lied to by the people that I thought were my parents, only to never get to know my real ones?"

"I thought you knew your dad..."

"He's never been there for me. Neither was the woman that I thought was my mother. It seems that I have bad luck with parents. I sure hope that I'm a better parent than all of them are." I stand up, grabbing my bags and walking over to the car.

"What are you doing?" He calls after me.

"I'm going on a vacation for my anniversary."

"Where to?"

"I don't know, and I honestly don't care. I just want to spend some time with my husband." He nods and is silent for a few moments.

"I don't want you to hate me for doing this, but I have to say that I wasn't fully telling the truth when I told you about our mother."


"Because she's ashamed to say that she wasn't entirely ready to face you." I turn around to face him, my eyes wide.

"Really? So she had you lie to make herself look better? Well tell her that it didn't work, because now I don't care if I ever meet her at all."

"Why don't you tell her yourself?" Confused, I look around for her. Not that I expect her to actually be here, but I want to know what he's talking about.

"Here is the place that she's staying. She won't be expecting you, so she can't run off. And don't worry, I won't tell her." He pulls a slip of paper out of his pocket and hands it to me. "Have fun on your vacation."

He walks over to his car and gets in, pulling out of the driveway and away from my house. Louis comes outside with several bags in his hands, and looks at me.

"You ready?" He asks, putting the bags in the car. I shake my head and walk over to the passenger side of the car, getting in.

"Grace, I can tell when something's up. Tell me." Louis says as he gets in and buckles his seatbelt.

"I don't want to worry about it right now. I just want to have fun on our trip. Speaking of our trip, where are we going?"

"Now, I wouldn't want to spoil it. That's no fun." He says, starting the car. "All I can say is that you'll have fun."

He pulls out of the driveway and into the street, marking the start of our adventure together.


i know this is short but it's 1:30 in the morning and I was in a writing mood lol

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