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Twins' age: 6 months

I lean against the counter, sipping at a cup of tea as I watch Jacob play with a few toys on the floor. He struggles to stack them on top of each other, quickly knocking them down on accident. He doesn't seem to get frustrated, which surprises me. Both Grace and I, her especially, tend to get frustrated easily. I haven't been as bad since the twins came, but she's gotten worse. She's determined to teach the twins as much as she can as early as possible. She doesn't seem to understand that it takes time for them to learn things. I guess that's where having younger siblings is helpful for me.

"Louis, come here!" Grace yells from upstairs, breaking me from my thoughts. I sigh and set my mug down, grabbing Jacob before heading upstairs. Ever since I had those nightmares, I've been nervous to leave them alone in another room for just a few seconds. I don't know how I sleep at night.

"Yeah?" I say as I reach the twins' room and Grace.

"Look at Marley, she's crawling." I look down at my daughter, who's sitting still on the floor. "Well, she was crawling."

I smile, watching as Grace bends down to Marley's level. "They can only crawl for so long, babe. Especially when they're first learning."

"I know but she just started." She frowns, looking at Marley. "Crawl again for Mommy please?"

"And Daddy." I mumble, setting Jacob on the floor by his sister.

"Him too." Grace says, keeping her eyes on Marley. As I watch the twins, I notice Jacob trying to crawl.

"Looks like I still get to watch one of them do it." I smile. He's not giving up, just like his didn't give up with his blocks.

"I just thought that you'd want to see your daughter crawling." Grace says, standing up.

"I do, but you can't push her to do something she doesn't want to do. Soon enough they'll both be crawling all over the house and we won't be able to stop them."

"Don't remind me. They're growing up too fast."

"They're only six months, it only gets faster."

"Oh you shush with your knowledge of children. Some of us don't have younger siblings." She sits down in one of the chairs and watches the twins.

"You don't have to have younger siblings to know that time goes faster while growing up. Believe me, I didn't want to grow up, but I knew it was going to happen someday." Grace sighs and turns her attention to me.

"And that day still hasn't happened yet." A small smile forms on her face and I laugh lightly, sitting down in the chair next to her.

"No, it hasn't. But neither has yours."

"I'm definitely more grown up than you are."

"You are not."

"Yes I am!" She insists.

"Every time something small happens, you're the one worrying while I'm telling you that it'll be okay. I take care of the three of you. If anything ever happened where you were in trouble, I would give my life up to make sure you were safe." I try to push away the thoughts of the dreams I had months ago. Thankfully, I haven't had one too recently, but I'm sure they'll be back soon.

Grace smiles before responding. "That doesn't make you anymore grown up than I am. I would do the same thing. And let me worry, it's better than not caring at all."

I feel a hand on my leg and look down to see Marley with her arms stretched out towards me. "Da!" I smile, bending down to lift her up and place her in my lap.

"What do you want, princess? Food?"

"How about a castle?" Grace says, standing up to pick up Jacob.

"If I could afford to buy one, I would." I stand up, following Grace downstairs to the kitchen.

"So build one."

"I wouldn't even know where to start." I place Marley in her high chair and Grace does the same with Jacob.

"That's a problem." She says, walking over to the counter to prepare their food. I pull a chair over and sit in front of the high chairs.

"You know I would do it if I could though." I say, watching as Marley plays with one of my hands.

"Yes, I do." Grace agrees, joining me with food for the twins. We begin to feed them, trying to not make a mess while doing so.

My mind begins to wander as I watch my children. Back to when I was in school and struggled to get along with people. Everyone told me that I would never get anywhere in life, I would never be happy. They said I would never have a wife or family. They said that I would be alone and unhappy for the rest of my life and that I would never pass high school.

But I proved them wrong. So I failed a grade once, but I passed with a good grade. So I hit a few bumps in our relationship, but I found someone. I have the most amazing and beautiful wife, one that brings me nothing but happiness. We have a family together.

I'm not unhappy at all, I'm more than happy with my life.

I did it.


Sorry I took so long to update! I've been a bit busy this summer, and I've had writer's block for this chapter.
What's going on in the story might go pretty fast. Every now and then I get little ideas for how I want future chapters to go and I want to get to those parts soon so time will most likely jump around. I'll start putting the twins' ages at the beginning so it's a little easier to keep up.
If there's something you like/don't like, or even something that you want to happen, feel free to let me know. I'm always trying to think of ways to write the next chapters.
Thanks for reading(:

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