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Month Seven

I roll out of bed and make my way to the stairs, desperate for something to eat. As soon as I reach them, my phone rings, which is back in my room. I sigh and walk back into my room, not making it before the ringing stops. I didn't think I would, but I had a small bit of hope.

I look down at the screen to see Lexi's name for not only a call, but a text as well. I quickly read through the text, which was asking how I was doing, and answer her.

Once I'm finally downstairs and in the kitchen, I decided on a bowl of cereal. I open the fridge, pulling the milk out, and set it on the counter. I pour the cereal and milk into the bowl and put the milk away before taking my meal to the table.

As soon as I sit and begin to eat, there's a knock at the door. Today is just not my day with timing. Luckily, Louis comes running down the stairs, yelling "got it!"

I watch as he opens the door, seeing the people I honestly wish weren't standing at my door. My spoon drops, my mouth hanging open. My parents, who haven't cared to even ask how I've been doing throughout my pregnancy, and even the last few years. They didn't come to my wedding, or explain why they didn't make it. I don't even remember telling them that I was pregnant.

I shift my gaze over to Louis, who is giving me a confused look, and go back to eating my breakfast. If I'm going to deal with them, I don't want to do it on an empty stomach. I should just tell him to shut the door, but they walk in before I can open my mouth.

"I love what you've done with the place!" My mother says, her voice too chirpy for this early in the morning. I decide to ignore what she says, standing up to wash my dishes. She hasn't even seen the place before so how can she make any judgements?

When I turn around, her hands are over her mouth, and she's making her way over to me. "That's my grandchild?" I finally decide to speak up.

"You mean you actually want to have a part in my child's life? You actually want to come around to see them? You'll accept them because they're Louis' child? Because you don't come to visit me, ask how I'm doing, or like Louis. Last time we spoke, you said you hate him! You never wanted to see him again. Guess what? That was almost five years ago! My wedding was almost one, and you didn't even make it! You also didn't even tell my that you weren't coming, and that really bothered me. So don't make plans to be part of your grandchild's life when you aren't part of your daughter's."

Once I finish, I quickly walk upstairs before I tell her anymore of what I've been feeling.


Grace leaves her mother with her mouth hanging open. I look over to her father, who still hasn't said a word yet. Not wanting to be the first to say something, especially since it isn't my battle, I walk into the kitchen and grab a bottle of water. I take a drink and walk back into the living room, where the two guests are still silently standing. Grace's father clears his throat and speaks, but his eyes don't meet mine.

"I thought she was marrying Aaron?"

"He was abusive and didn't truly love her. I, on the other hand, actually love her. So I stepped up there and gave her the wedding and honeymoon she deserved."

"You took her to Paris didn't you?" He finally looks at me.

"I did. She told me when we first met that she's always dreamed of going there."

"She's been wanting to go there since she was a little girl, but I could never afford to take her. Thank you for doing it." He says and I nod. At least she's got one decent parent. "And I was there for the wedding, I just sat in the back. I didn't think that she would actually want to see me."

He should have been walking her down the isle, but I understand him. I've been there, not knowing if someone wants to see you. I wasn't sure if I should attend the wedding, but look where I am now.

I nod, sighing heavily. "I should go talk to her. She'll probably need some time, but I'll keep you updated. I don't think she would have a problem with you coming to check on her." Grace's father thanks me before giving me a quick hug and saying goodbye, pulling his wife along.

I walk upstairs and into the bedroom, sitting next to Grace on the bed. I pull her into my arms, resting my chin on her head.

"Are they gone?" Is the first thing she says.


"Thank God, I didn't want to go through round two."

"She didn't say a single word after you went upstairs, but your dad did." Grace moves her head to look up at me.

"What did he say?"

"He said that he was at the wedding. He wasn't sure if you wanted to see him with everything that was going on before that so he sat in the back."

"It was my wedding day, why wouldn't I want to see my own father?" She asks, setting her head back down on my chest.

"Maybe you need to ask him that. But he would like to start seeing you more."

"He would?"

"Yeah. He called me not too long ago and told me. He knew that your mom was going to act the way she did, I guess she's been going through a lot lately."

"She's been going through a lot? I'm pregnant! I'm her first daughter to actually be having my baby. What could possibly be more stressful than what I'm going through?" I pull her closer. I honestly don't want to be the one telling her what she wants to know.

"Well, first of all, you know she has other children besides you and Lexi. She-"

"What?" I'm guessing she didn't know that. Great.

"She has children with someone else. Your dad has children with someone else too."

"Why haven't I met either of their kids? Or even known about them?"

"You do know your father's children."


"You and Lexi are your father's children. She's not actually your mother, she's just your father's wife." I tell Grace, hoping that this small bit of information isn't too much.

"So my whole life, I've grown up thinking that she was my mother, but she's really not. Who's my real mother?"

"I don't know exactly who she is. Your father said that they've been in contact lately and she would like to meet you."


All of this information really surprises me. First, I find out that the person that I thought was my mom really isn't. Now my real mom wants to meet me?

"She does?" Louis nods, looking down at me. "Your father also said that his current wife, I guess we could call her, doesn't like this. She's been talking about going back to her kids."

"Good, let her go. Are they getting divorced?"

"I believe that your father said he would like to do it before she has the chance to run back to her other family. Maybe he's telling her today. Are you sure this isn't too much for you?"

"Are you kidding? Finding out that she isn't really related to me is one of the best things I've ever heard."

"But you're okay with your mother wanting to meet you?"

"Yeah, it's fine." I stop, my hands moving to my stomach.

"What's wrong?" Louis asks, sitting up. I grab his hands, setting them in the place that I had mine. I watch as a smile forms on his face. "The baby's kicking?" I nod, smiling.

"I felt it earlier but I thought I was feeling things." I laugh lightly. "Now I'm sure that it's the baby kicking."

"Your day just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it?" Louis asks and I nod, my smile growing.

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