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Twins' age: three months

"Louis!" I call out, desperate to find my husband. Once we were separated, I've done nothing but worry about him. I don't know where he is or what he's doing, for all I know he could be dead. It doesn't help that I don't have a clue where I'm going in this place. I hear a noise from down the hall and start running, continuing to call Louis' name.

I bump into a tall blonde boy with golden brown eyes, who couldn't have been more than seventeen. I notice that beside him is a young girl, probably around the same age, with dark hair and bright blue eyes. "I'm sorry, have you seen a man around here? He has brown hair and blue eyes, maybe a little taller than you." I look to the girl, who looks at the boy before shaking her head.

"Do either of you know your way around here?" The boy nods and I decide to ask another question. "Could you show me around? Maybe bring me to a room that not many people go to?" They turn around and begin to walk without saying a word. What a social bunch they are.

"So, what are your names?"

"You'll find out soon." The girl says, turning down another hallway.

"But I asked now. What if I don't remember you in the future?"

"You won't forget about us." She says, and I sigh.

"So why are you guys here?" I notice as they look at each other before the boy speaks up.

"Don't say we told you, but we've been forced to work here."

"Forced? What about your parents, where are they?"

"Closer than you think." The girl speaks again and leads us into a room.

"It's empty, why are we here?"

"You said to bring you to a room that not many people go to. In order to get there, we have to go through here." She walks over to the wall and presses numbers on a number pad. I swear I've seen this in a movie before. The boy stands next to me, trying to keep me from worrying more than I already am.

"Louis will be fine, don't worry." I nod slowly, looking over at him. How did he even know that I was looking for my Louis? All I did was describe who I was looking for, I never told them a name.

The girl leads us into a dark room and I hear her say something to the boy before he walks over to me. He grabs hold of my arms tight and she turns the light on. What I see in front of me is the most horrifying sight I've ever seen.

My eyes pop open to the sound of crying. It was all just a dream, a horrible dream. I look next to me and breathe a sigh of relief seeing Louis peacefully asleep, before looking over at the alarm. It's almost 5 in the morning. I've slept almost a full night, which I haven't done in almost three months. I quietly roll out of bed and walk over to a crib in the next room. I lift Jacob, surprised that Louis didn't wake up and rush in here to take care of his crying son. Ever since Louis met him, that's what all of his attention has been on. It's been on Marley too, but mostly Jacob. Being the only boy in a house full of girls for most of his life, he's always wanted a son.

I look down at Marley, who is sleeping. I walk downstairs, still holding Jacob, and into the kitchen. "Let's get you some food." I say quietly to my son, even though he most likely doesn't know what I'm saying. Using one hand, I prepare a bottle for him, hoping that it's what he wanted. I walk over to the couch and sit down, holding the bottle up so he can drink.

My mind goes back to the bad dream I had, still curious as to who those two people were that I met. Were they people that I already know or have I yet to meet them? How do I know them, and what were their names? I guess I'll have to wait and find out, not that I want to wait. I've never been very good at waiting for things.

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