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I hold the carrier close to my body, struggling to get my keys out of my pocket with my free hand. As I finally grab my keys, I look down at Jacob, who's sleeping peacefully. I got everything I've ever wanted two days ago; a son and daughter of my own. I don't think I've ever been happier.

I unlock the front door and step in, allowing Grace to do the same before closing the door behind me. We walk upstairs and into the room for the babies, which I had prepared months ago. Grace didn't know that I added another bed after I found out that there would be twins. I wanted to make sure that everything would be perfect for them.

I set the carrier down next to the crib, carefully pulling Jacob out of it. He just fell asleep when we got in the car home, and I would like to keep it that way for a few hours so Grace can get some rest. Even though she won't admit it, I can tell that she's been very tired lately, even with the little naps that she's been taking. I don't think she's slept a full night since the twins were born, she's been too worried about how they are. I told her that I would take care of them while she rested, but she refuses to accept the help. So, without her knowing, I called someone to help me so Grace would have an easier time going to sleep knowing that there was two of us to watch the babies.

I sigh happily as I lay Jacob down in his bed, watching him for a few minutes. Grace walks over and joins me, resting her head on my shoulder. "I think you love him more than you love me."

I smile, my eyes still on the small boy in front of me. "I could say the same about you."

"That's normal for mothers. Well, almost all mothers." I bite on my lower lip, knowing exactly what she's talking about. She's still quite upset about not hearing from her birth mother lately. They were supposed to meet, but her mother never agreed on plans.

"I love you and our children more than I love myself. I would give up anything for you three, no matter what it is." I wrap an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to me. "Even my life." I say softly, kissing the top of her head. When she hears that, she lifts her head up to look at me.

"You know that I can't live without you."

"If it meant that you guys were safe, I would do anything. Besides, you wouldn't be alone. You would have Lexi, Harry, and Emma. You know that my whole family would do anything for you, and I'm sure that if it came down to it, your parents would too. Whether it was your birth mother or the one that you grew up with, they both care about you."

"If my birth mother cared about me, she would want to meet me. She wouldn't ignore me when I try to make plans to meet up."

"Maybe she's been busy and hasn't been able to answer your messages. Did you think about the fact that she might be nervous to meet the children that she left?" I know that she hasn't met Lexi yet. I made sure to ask once Grace got in contact with her mother.

Grace shrugs, turning around to look at Marley once again. "If she really cared about me, should would make the time to talk to me."

Before I can answer, the doorbell rings and Grace looks back at me. "Who was that?"

"Don't worry about it. Go get some rest in bed. I don't mean take a quick twenty minute nap and get back up. Go lay down and sleep for a few hours. You need it."


"I'll take care of the twins. Go lay down." She stays still for a minute before finally giving up and leaving the room. I go downstairs and open the door, allowing my sister in.

"Could none of your other siblings make it or did you actually want me here?" I close the door and start walking back upstairs before answering her question.

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