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Month Six

Today's the day. At our last visit, the doctor told Grace that we should be able to find out the gender of the baby the next time we came. Six months through and I might finally get to shop for some clothes without Grace yelling that we can't buy anything without knowing the gender first, even though I told her we could get some gender neutral clothes.

She says she doesn't want to know the gender, but I think that deep down, she really does. I've heard that when it comes to gender, a mother somehow knows what she's having. Or at least that's what my mum told me.

I sit in the car, waiting for Grace to do the same. She claimed she forgot something inside and went back to get it. That was five minutes ago. Unless she lost it, there's no reason for her to be gone this long. We're going to miss our appointment.

When the passenger side door finally opens, I breathe a sigh of relief. "Took you long enough." I say as she sits down in the seat, pulling the door shut once she's comfortable.

"Sorry that the extra weight that I'm carrying slows me down."  Grace sighs and I nod, pulling out of the driveway and into the street.

"What did you forget anyway?"

"My purse."

"You had your purse when you were first outside and told me you forgot something." I remind her.

"Oh, then my phone. You know I've never been one to remember things that well." Grace shrugs, relaxing in her seat.

"So you really don't want to know what the gender is?" I ask after a few minutes, hoping that I don't get yelled at for asking the question for about the fifth time.

"Nope." She states, then continues after a few seconds. "Well, I don't know. I'd like for it to be a surprise, but I know you'll find out anyway."

"And what makes you think that?"

"I've known you for several years, Louis. I know how you get when it comes to waiting for something. You can get very impatient." I nod, pulling into the parking lot of the doctor's office.

"I see. Well, even if I do find out, I won't tell you. I'll ask the doctor to tell me in another room." I park the car and unbuckle my seat belt. We both get out and walk inside the building together. I wait in a chair while she signs in at the front desk.

"The wait shouldn't be too long, there's not many people here." I hear the woman tell Grace before she returns to my side. She grabs a book off the table and begins to flip through the pages.

Not long after we signed in, Grace's name was called and we got up to follow the nurse. She takes a seat on the bed and I sit in the chair across the room, listening as the nurse asks Grace questions about how she's been feeling and how her pregnancy has been so far. It's a quick checkup, but we get to see the baby and hopefully, get to find out the gender.

When it comes time to know the gender, Grace looks to me, unsure of what she wants. She knows what I want, but I know that she would still like it to be a surprise. "I don't think I want to know. You can tell him, but not me." She politely tells the nurse and I smile as the nurse walks over to show me what she has written down on her clipboard.

I'm honestly surprised at what the gender is, and very happy. It's what I've always wanted, and I promised Grace I wouldn't tell her.

Hopefully, I'll keep the secret and not blurt it out to her. I tend to do that every now and then.

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