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Month Five


With Grace being five months through her pregnancy, I can definitely say I'm becoming very anxious to meet my son or daughter. Not just because she's been very hormonal and a bit grouchy for the past few months, which I know is something she can't control so I try to avoid pissing her off or occasionally teasing her like I usually do, but because I'm excited to have a child. I grew up with a bunch of siblings and I'm happy to finally have a kid of my own.

If you would have told me ten years ago that I would be married to Grace and was expecting a child with her, I probably would have laughed in your face. I wasn't exactly the most behaved kid, kinda rebellious as most teenagers are. Harry and I got into a bit of trouble together, and let's just say that no one thought that we would have a bright future. They all thought that just because we liked to have fun, we wouldn't have a family. I'd like to go back and tell those people now, because both of us happen to be happily married. I didn't ever think that I was going to end up with someone as beautiful as Grace, but I knew that I had a future.

I still cant believe that we got together on our first day of meeting. Not just because that's a bit crazy, but because not many people go for guys covered in tattoos, especially when they're still in school. If I didn't go introduce myself when she first got there and offer to show her around, she probably would have gotten lost. I know how she is, she isn't fond of asking people directions. She prefers to do things on her own, which isn't a bad thing, but sometimes you need a little help. Especially when you're the new girl. And out of all the people in that school, I feel in love that new girl.

Ever since then, my only regret is letting her go that one time instead of talking things through with her. At nineteen, I'd never had a serious relationship before. No girl I was with ever stuck around long enough to get to know me, not that I really cared. But when Grace came along, everything changed. I was determined to make her mine, no matter what it took. It was definitely easier than I thought it would be, but at least I didn't just use her for sex like any other guy in school would.

I really cared for her and I still do. I don't know how I got so lucky. I'm so happy that I get to spend my life with her and that we're starting a family together. We have so many memories together and I can't wait to make more, or take more beautiful pictures of her. I took one I really love the other day, it's her standing in front of the window and it really shows off her little bump. I love taking pictures and looking back at them, noticing the difference between each month. She keeps getting more and more beautiful, and I can't wait to meet our child in four months.

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