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This past month has been absolute hell. Grace has done nothing but complain about wanting the baby out and make me her slave. I want to do nothing more than lock myself in my room and scream. I love my wife very much, but she has been driving me absolutely crazy.

I don't know how other people do it so easily. My mum had multiple kids while I was growing up and never acted like this. She mainly just laid around and kept to herself when it was almost time for her to give birth. I guess it really depends on the person.

"Louis!" Grace's voice interrupts my thoughts. Every time she calls out my name, I think that she's going into labor and I get all nervous. I walk downstairs to the living room and stand in front of Grace, who's sprawled out on the couch, her swollen belly hanging out of her shirt.


"Can I have my water bottle?" She points to the table, which is literally right next to her. She easily could have stretched her arm to reach what she wanted, but called on me to do it instead. I hand her the bottle and she lifts her head up to take a drink. Once finished, she sets the bottle down in front of the couch.

"I know this is all I say, but I just want this thing out already!" She complains. I bite my tongue to remind her that it's not a thing, it's our baby.

"Maybe we should go to the hospital. I'm sure they can give you something to induce your labor."

"That's the best idea I've heard from you in quite a long time." Grace pushes herself off the couch. "Let's go already!" She pulls her shirt down, making her way over to the door.

"It's freezing outside, I'm going to get our coats." I hear her groan as I walk upstairs to get our jackets. I pull mine on and walk back downstairs with Grace's. When I hand it to her, she remains frozen.

"Here's your jacket." I say and she takes a deep breath.

"Forget about having my labor induced."

"Why?" I ask, feeling stupid that I don't know.

"My water just broke." I look at her, my eyes widening.

"I guess the baby knew we couldn't wait any longer." I smile slightly, trying to lighten her mood.


"Yeah?" She takes her coat from me, pulling it on.

"Grab the bag. I'll be waiting in the car." I nod, grabbing what Grace wanted before following her outside. I silently thank anyone above listening for finally letting this happen, as I'm not sure how much more I could take. I get in the driver side of the car and turn it on, pulling my seat belt across my lap. I look back to make sure we have the car seat in the back of the car, along with an extra just in case.

I pull out of the driveway and into the street, quickly making my way to the hospital.

Once we arrive, I get out and walk over to the passenger side, helping Grace out of the car and walk into the hospital. I tell the worker at the front desk about Grace and she tells us it'll be a few minutes before a doctor comes for us.

Grace's complaining made the wait seem longer than it actually was. A doctor called us about two minutes after we sat down. He lead us into a room. Grace sat laid down on the bed and I stood next to the bed, anxiously waiting for what was to come.


One of the nurses walks over to me, handing one of my children to me. I look down, holding the small baby close. "Meet your son." The nurse smiles, causing my smile to grow even larger, if that's possible. Another nurse walks over to Grace, handing her our other baby. She introduces Grace to our baby daughter, making her happier than I've ever seen her. They leave the room, leaving us alone with our new additions to the family.

I look over at Grace, who's eyes are fixed on our daughter. She has a huge smile on her face and she's holding the baby close. I return my gaze to the boy in my arms, sighing happily. "We have to choose our names." I say, not taking my eyes off my son.

"What about the names that we talked about a few days ago?"

"Those aren't bad. Are you sure those are the names that you want?"

"Yeah, you?" I nod in agreement, looking up as I hear a nurse walk in. She walks over to Grace to check up on her.

"Decided on any names yet?" She asks once she's finished with Grace.

"We have." 

"What's this one's name?" The nurse asks, still talking to my wife.

"Marley Jade." Grace says, smiling.

"Last name?"

"Tomlinson." The thought of having someone with my DNA and last name makes me even happier. I have something that's mine, my own mini me. Two of them. Two baby Tomlinsons running around in the house.

"And this one?" The nurse walks over to me.

"Jacob Greyson Tomlinson." The nurse smiles at my response.

"I think I'm going to come to you guys when I need name suggestions. I'm horrible at thinking of names." Grace and I laugh and I respond.

"We just thought of these names a few days ago. It wasn't easy, we had a long list of ideas."

"At least you two were prepared. A lot of the time, I'll have a couple arguing in here over name ideas. It takes them forever to think of a name."

"I wanted to have name ideas before I gave birth. I always have everything planned out." Grace admits and the nurse nods.

"You should be able to leave here in the morning. I'll get your papers as soon as I can." We thank the nurse before she leaves. After a few minutes of silence, Grace speaks up.

"I can't wait to go home."

"Why?" I ask and she shrugs in response.

"I just miss being home."

"I guess I kinda do too." I shrug, sitting down on the chair next to Grace's bed.

"I'm so happy that we finally got to meet them." I look over at Grace, who's eyes are surprisingly on me and not Marley.

"I can tell."

"Pregnancy is more stressful than it seems. Kicking, cravings, sleep deprivation, not wanting to get up. The list goes on. But I would do it all over again to add to our family."

"The hormones were pretty bad too." I smirk and Grace rolls her eyes. "Most of those things had an effect on me as well."

"How so?"

"When you couldn't sleep, I was normally awake, trying to help you get back to sleep. When you had cravings, I made you what you wanted. Your cake that you made me go crazy looking for at the store, for example. When you didn't want to get up, I did what you needed. When you were moody, so was I."

"I was never moody." I laugh.

"You sure were. Especially today."


"And you think you were sleep deprived before? Wait until these babies are waking you up at four in the morning!"

"That's what dads are for."

"Um, no." We both laugh. "I think we'll both be doing our share of baby care." She nods, yawning. "Get some rest."

"I don't want to." Grace laughs softly.

"You need it. I'll watch them, and if I want some rest, I'll call a nurse. Go to sleep." She finally agrees and closes her eyes, quickly falling asleep.

I already can't wait to have more adventures with my family.

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