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A few nights later

I lean against a tree, looking down at the small girl in my arms. Her big blue eyes stare back at mine, wondering what exactly is going on.

"Daddy, where's mommy?" I sigh heavily, not knowing exactly how to answer her. I know where her mother planned to go, but her trip has been longer than it usually is.

"She's at the store with your brother, she'll be back soon."

"Why has she been gone so long?" She knows it's been too long, she's smarter than any other four year old I've ever met. I don't think any of my sisters were ever this smart at four.

"I'm not sure. Maybe she's having trouble finding something."

"Why doesn't she ask for help?"

"Maybe she did." I sigh, struggling to think of answers that could make her feel better.

"Can we go find her?" I want so badly to tell her yes and to make her happy, but if there's trouble, I don't want my daughter to get hurt.

Before I can respond, my phone rings in my pocket. I reach down to grab it with my free hand and look down at who the caller is before answering.

"Where are you?"

"I'm stuck at the store. Some guy threatened to hurt us all, so they're not letting us out. They don't seem to understand that keeping us in here is just going to get the rest of us hurt." Grace says, clearly frustrated.

"They probably think that they're doing the right thing. How's Jacob?"

"I think he knows what's going on. He seems a bit nervous."

"Just tell him that you'll be going home soon."

"I already tried that, Louis."

"Sorry, I'm just trying to help. I just wish that there was something more that I could do."

"Stay home and keep Marley safe. Don't worry about me."

"Of course I'm going to worry about you! You're my wife and the mother of our children. You have Jacob with you. I don't want anything to happen to either of you. I want-"

"Louis, I really don't want to interrupt you but I have to go."

"What!? Why?"

"I just do, I'm sorry. I love you, be safe." Before I can answer, she hangs up. I look down at my daughter clinging to my body, who's curious eyes are still focused on me.

I take a deep breath and slide my phone back into my pocket in exchange for my keys before walking to the car.

"Where are we going?" Marley asks as I open the back door and put her in the seat before buckling her seat belt.

"You are going to Aunt Lexi and Uncle Harry's for a bit."

"Where are you going?" I walk around the car to my side and get in, rushing to get the car turned on and pull out of the driveway.

"Mommy's car broke down, so I'm going to pick her up." I don't want her to worry about the truth, I want her to be safe.

"Why can't I go with you?"

"Because I'd rather know that you're safe with a family member." Thankfully, Harry and Lexi don't live too far away from us, so I can be quick to drop Marley off. I pull into the driveway and pick my daughter up once I'm out of the car.

I walk up to the front door and knock loudly, quickly receiving a grouchy greeting from my sister in law. I quickly explain the situation to her and she takes Marley in her arms. She tries to convince me to let her come, but I tell her that I want to do it alone. If anything happens to Grace and I, I'll feel slightly better knowing that Marley is safe with her Godparents.

"Daddy, when will you be back?"

"I don't know, baby. I hope soon." I kiss the top of her head. "I love you." I look over at Lexi, sighing sadly. "Please take good care of her." She nods quickly and I look at them once more before turning to go back to my car.

That was honestly the hardest thing that I've ever done, and I'll regret it for the rest of my life, if I get to have much more of one after going to rescue Grace. I speed down the streets in the city to the store where Grace had said she was going.

Security surrounds the building and I highly doubt that they'll let me in easily. I walk up to one of them and begin to talk. "Listen, I will do literally anything to get in there. Check me, escort me in, I don't care. Please, my wife and son are in there. I will literally pay you if needed." The guard I speak to looks at another before beginning to make sure that I don't have any weapons on me. He nods to me before walking inside.

"You're lucky that I know how important my family's safety is. My wife and daughter are trapped in here." He says quietly as we look around for Grace.

"Do you think I would be able to get them out of here?"

"I would love to let you do that, but I doubt that anyone else would let you do it. If you want, I can try to help you."

"I would agree, but don't you have a job to do?"

"They've caught the guy, but he's still here so they're not allowing people out due to safety reasons." I take a deep sigh of relief as I spot Grace. "If you really want to surprise her, stay here." I look at him, nodding slowly as I'm unsure of what exactly he's doing. He walks away from me and towards Grace. I hear him say that she is to follow him, and I can tell that she's nervous. As she turns the corner to where I am, I watch as her expression turns from nervous to extremely surprised as she spots me.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She asks, throwing her arms around me.

"I couldn't let you stay here and not be safe. I needed to know that you were okay."

"Where is Marley?"

"At Lexi's. Listen, I'm gonna get you out of here." I lift Jacob up, grabbing onto Grace's hand.

"How are you going to do that?"

"I talked to one of the guards." I watch as the one I talked to walks back over to me with a woman and a young girl. "Ready?" I ask and he nods in response before I follow him to an exit.

I see the door ahead, probably about twenty feet away. I'm about to start running, I just want to get out. I'm so focused on staring at the exit that I don't even notice a person in front of me as I bump into them.

"Where do you think you're going?"

I jolt awake, looking around the room. I'm safe in bed, with Grace next to me. It was just another dream, it wasn't real.

Although I start to calm down, part of me still worries that these dreams might be a sign. Grace had one too, what if something is going to happen?

What if my family is in danger and my dreams are trying to tell me something?

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