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Month Two


I open my eyes and look over at the clock. It's 9:30 AM, half an hour until my doctor's appointment. I turn my head and am surprised that Louis is no longer in bed. I would have had much more time to get ready if he had woken me up before leaving the room. I roll out of bed and walk over to the closet, pulling out some clothes. Once I'm dressed, I make my way downstairs, and find Louis sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Good morning." He says, turning his head towards me.

"Thanks for waking me up." When he sighs in response, I mumble a quick 'good morning' under my breath. This pregnancy is already giving me mood swings.

"I thought you would want a few hours of extra sleep. I woke up almost three hours ago."

"Why so early?" Louis shrugs, reaching for the remote to turn the TV off.

"I don't know, I tried going back to sleep but couldn't. So I came out here, not wanting to wake you up. Are you ready to go?" I look down at my clothes, thinking he would have noticed that I was no longer in the ones I slept in.

"Yeah." I walk over to the table to grab my keys, but Louis' hand stops me.

"I'll drive."

"Louis, I'm pregnant. My legs aren't broken."

"Am I not allowed to be nice and drive my wife to her doctor's appointment for our child?" I sigh, giving up, and put my hand down. I nod slowly and walk over to the door, quickly slipping my shoes on.

"You know, you really drive me nuts sometimes." I say once we're in the car.

"Sometimes?" Louis asks as he turns the car on, raising an eyebrow at me.


"Your mood swings drive me crazy sometimes." He pulls out of the driveway in starts to drive down the street.

"It's not like I can control them!" I laugh softly and lean my head against the window.

The rest of the short drive is quiet, except for the few words we exchanged here and there. Once we get there, Louis rushes out of his seat and over to my side of the car, making sure that he can open the door for me before I can. I smile at him and get out of the car, grabbing onto his hand before walking inside the building. I sign in at the front desk and we take a seat in the waiting room.

The wait wasn't too long, but long enough that it seemed like everyone but us had already been taken care of.

"Grace Tomlinson." A voice calls out and I quickly stand up to follow the doctor, Louis following close behind. When we reach the room, I lay down on the bed and let the doctor begin to do her job. "So have you been experiencing any symptoms so far?"

"Like what?"

"Being unable to sleep, sweating, feeling sick, mood swings. How have you felt?"

"I've been sleeping pretty well lately, but haven't been sweating. I haven't felt as sick as I did during the first few weeks. According to Louis, I've definitely been having some mood swings." Louis nods and we both, along with the doctor, laugh.

"It seems like you and the baby are healthy, so we should schedule the next appointment at the beginning of the second trimester." She gives us some information on the baby so far and says goodbye to us.

* * * *

Louis lays down in bed and scoots close to me, staring at the ceiling.

"Do you ever wonder what it's going to be?" He asks.

"Everyone wonders what their baby is going to be. A lot of people don't want to know until birth though."

"Why? Isn't it kind of hard to plan then?"

"No, you can still plan."

"Are we going to find out early or wait?"

"I don't know, depends on how we feel about knowing when the time comes. Do you want to know early?"

"Yes and no. Yes so we could get the room ready for them and I don't go crazy because I don't know. No because I'd love them either way." I smile at his words and turn my head to face him. "We should start thinking of some names soon." I laugh lightly.

"We still have seven months to do that, but if it will make you happy, we can. Right now, I just want to go to sleep."

"Okay, I love you." He says, kissing my cheek.

"I love you too." I mumble, rolling onto my side, and fall asleep quickly.


I just want to put this out here that the pregnancy is going to go pretty fast, I'll probably make each chapter a different month so it's easier to write. The first few chapters may be a little short, since there won't be much going on. When it comes to doctor's appointments, they won't be very detailed since A) I'm not a doctor and B) I haven't been through this situation before, so I'll do my best. If you think anything is incorrect, please tell me politely. Thanks for reading!

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