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I walk quickly down the sidewalk, not wanting to be late for what I've planned. Although I'm thankful that we're close to most of the small shops around here, I really should bring my car with me. I'd definitely get home a lot quicker.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I take it out. Grace.

"Where are you? You've been gone all morning, I was getting worried. Your car was still in the driveway but I couldn't find you anywhere."

"I just took a little morning walk, I'm just down the street now. I should be home in a few minutes." We say our goodbyes and hang up.

"Louis?" A voice calling my name stops me and I turn to see who it is. I'm amazed to see someone that I went to high school with, someone that I rarely ever talked to. I don't think we even said five words to each other, even while being in several classes together.

"Chris. Surprised to see you here."

"I could say the same thing." He steps closer to me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, unsure of what he wants. Even though I don't know the guy all that well, I do know that he really seems to be the type of guy to only talk to you when you need something, and I don't have time to play twenty questions. I just want to get home to Grace and spend Valentine's Day with her.

"Visiting some family. You?" I really don't want to tell him that I live in the area, so I quickly make something up.

"Same." He nods and I watch as he walks right up to me, so we're face to face.

"I don't know what you're doing with her, but you need to leave her alone."

"Doing what with who?"

"Grace. Ever since you two started 'hanging out' she's changed, and I don't like it."

"What are you talking about? Grace and I are happy together." I don't know what he's getting at here, but he needs to get to the point. Not only am I late getting home, but I'm getting really annoyed.


"Yeah, we're married. Is there a problem with that?"

"Yes. I was supposed to end up with her, not you! You ruin everything, Louis. Senior year, I was supposed to win prom king, not you. But no, you were Mr. Popular, everyone loved you. And because you were king, everyone knew that you wouldn't want anyone but her as queen."

What is he talking about? First of all, Grace and I weren't together at the end of senior year. Second of all, I didn't even go to prom. I might as well go along with whatever he's trying to say here, though.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"It's only the beginning of the things I need to tell you. The ways you made my life hell."

"Wow, so I won prom king. Big deal. How did that effect you?"

"I was supposed to win, not you. The same way that I was supposed to get Grace, not you. Besides, that's just one of the small things you've done to me."

"No one 'claims' her, so chill. She and I fell in love, not you and her." I watch as his hand moves down to his pocket and I back away.

"Well that's how it's going to be." As I back up, he continues to step towards me.

"Christopher!" I hear a voice call and silently thank them. Two pairs of hands grab onto him. "We were looking for you, why did you run off?"

"Guess I just needed some fresh air, sorry." He gives the man and woman a fake smile.

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