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I went home and threw the bag swung to the side. Lisa, played the piano, turned, startled.

"Lauren, what's wrong?"

"Nothing,"  I threw up the stairs.
Going into the bedroom, I climbed into my bunk bed and glared at the ceiling. It was the worst activities in my life! Max and Angela don't pay attention to me, all the while flirting with each other. When my friend took off her shorts and she and Max ran into the water, my mood was spoiled completely.

I cried to Angela, I have a headache and I'm coming home, but she hardly heard me.

"Lauren, Put your bag!" My mother shouted from the first floor.

"Ok, mom!" I jumped sullenly out of bed and went into the corridor. On the way to the first floor, I was faced with a very hurt Dani. She walked into our room. I looked after her, took my bag and went back.
Entering the room, I pulled out a phone and then tumbled onto the bed.

"Danz, how are you?" I asked my sister sitting on the floor of the cabinet.

"Shut up,"  she blurted grimly out.

I sat up on one elbow.

"Hey, Space, what is wrong?"

"Don't call me like that. Do not ever call me like that!"

I have not really understood what was going on and got down on the floor.

"You Know what?" Dani stood up from the floor and looked into my eyes. "If you are late, kindly bear the courage to admit it! And don't lie, attributing go me!" She cried.

"Tell me what's wrong!" I cried too.

"Okay! Firstly, you traded me to Angela, and secondly, thank you to "went with me to the store"! And thirdly, I was on the street right now. There was yours Angela. She asked me, "don't go in our affairs" and "stop to asks to Lauren, we walk together and extra burden we do not need. Lauren said it so!" !!!" Shouted Dani and I saw tears in her eyes.

"What are you talking about?! Which store?!"

"I Wrote you a message! Or do you only read Angela's messages ?" Sister ran out of the room, slamming the door.

I took off the lock on the phone, who was holding, and saw the messages notifications.

Messages were from Dani, not from Angela, as I thought.

Lauren, come with me to the store ?;) "
You couls stop and help me with the phone:/ Well, what about the store? I need new shorts "
Laaaureeeen "
Oh, yes, you with your "best friend". Good luck, I'll go with Lisa. "

I bit my lip.

"Dani!" I cried and went into the corridor.

"What?" Came a voice from the bathroom.

I went into the bathroom, Dani turned to me and leaned on the sink and folded her arms.

"I'm sorry," I lowered my head sadly and suddenly came to me. "Wait, Angela said that?!"

"Cool, right?" sister snorted.

"I don't believe!" I blurted out.

Dani's eyes widened.

"You ... You don't believe me?!" She began to choke with indignation.  "You think I'm lying?! Me?! Lying?! To You?! But how can I?!"

"Yes!" I looked at my sister with the prosecution. "She Could not say that."

Dani's green eyes filled with tears and she wanted to jump out of the bath, but I grabbed her arm, just above the elbow.

"Tell me you lied!"

"No!" Dani shouted. "I'll not say because I do not lied!"

I  looked at my sister angrily and wanted to say something, but I have the phone rang.

I saw on the screen number and a photo of Angela.

Without releasing sister's hand, I picked up the phone.

"Hi, beauty," I murmured, watching the reaction of Dani. Tear rolled down, she pulling her hand and ran away.

I sighed.

"Hi, Lauren!" came of the tube. "Why did you go?"

"I have a headache," I said, and bought my lip. I became too much to lie.

"Feel better soon," Truly said girlfriend. "And I have important news!"

I sat on the sink.

"I all for attention!"

"Well, Max..."

"Lauren Kristen Cimorelli" Dad went to the bathroom. Very angry dad.

"Angi, I'll call you back.."

"In the living room. Right now."

I was afraid, but went into the corridor behind my father.

In silence we went down to the first floor and went into the living room, there was a whole family. All frowned upon looking at me, Dani was crying in the arms of our mother.

"Well, Lauren, explain what's wrong?"

"What Are talking about?"

"For example, why Dani is crying, why a bruise on her arm?" Mom asked strictly.

"How Do I know where she had a bruise?" I muttered under my breath.

"Don't you know? And she told us that it is you put it."

"What?!" I glanced at my sister. "Why did you lie?! Again?!"

"No, I'm not lying!" Dani cried. "Not now, not then! Not lying!"

"But I did not beat you!"

"You grabbed my arm!"

"Why did you grabbed her?"  father asked menacing.

"And why she's lying?"

"What she lied about?" Christina asked.

Dani wiped away tears.

"I went out on the road, there was Angela, she said that <...>"

"Burden? You called your sister a burden?" Katherine was amazed.

I don't call Dani a burden, but then it would have become parents forbid me to see Angela, so I decided to hang back until recently.

"And why she always climbs to me?! She's almost 14! Why should she walk with me?!" All the stress, haunting me all day, finally broke out. For all my 15 years I have never cried for my family.

Dani suddenly grinned.

"Between the way, I did not asks to you today. Is that you lied because overslept! You know that sleep is necessary for less!"

"And what do you care how much I sleep? And what I tell my friends, is a private matter," I  rapped.

"In the next time do not tell about me. Do not ever talk about me with her!! - Dani said softly.  "Forget about Dauren, about "Sugar and Spice", even forget that you have a younger sister."

On the living room was a sigh.

"Well," I quipped, jumped out of the living room and ran out of the house.
I was very angry at my sister. And for parents. Yes, all in all.

I looked at the phone, which was in my hand. Removed his lock and dialed.

"Angela, can I come to you?"

"Of Course!" Instantly agreed girlfriend. "You can stay at whole night"

"Really?" I smiled happily.

"Of course, we can chat."

Broken. (Lauren Cimorelli story. BOOK 1.)Where stories live. Discover now