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The first six months of study flew as a spirit. Learning was very easy, with the girls we took five covers. With Dani our relationship more or less improved, but still they were stretched.

Today is Friday, the last day before Christmas a two week vacation.

Now ten days and we are going to have a meal with Angela, Megan (the black-haired girl with a group of Angela) and Annie (red statuesque beauty from Texas). Annie - Megab's half-sister, and her junior year. Megan studied at the Faculty of Music, she studied guitar playing and Annie at the Faculty of Journalism.

We communicated very well and I noticed that I began to be afraid of something? Maybe due to the fact that the girls spoke with everyone but me arrogant, but I'm the opposite stretched to the people, but as soon as I was approached by Angi, Annie or Megan, the man with whom I spoke, immediately evaporates, looking on the floor. I recently, through the influence of girls, I began to communicate less with other people, other than friends, but I did not like the fact that Angela has forbidden me to talk with Arthur. Yes, it is banned.
She simply said:

"Choose either I am and normal people or Borup and," Angela wrinkled her nose." the dregs of society."

I realized that I made the wrong choice when Arthur stopped answering my phone calls and messages.

Well, I had hoped that this year's end, and Angela and Megan left the college. (I do not know how many there are learning, but let there be three) and there is a quarrel with Annie and reconciled with Arthur.

I understand that Angela bad influence on me, but I could not help myself. I'm used to the fact that no one even bad can't say to me.  I began to dress better, become brazen behave, I became much more confident. Total diet I took off about ten kilograms, but... As Angela said, I can not stop. I just can not...
This time I chose a lighter diet.

The four of us went to the Starbucks located in our college. As always, I ordered black coffee, and we went with the girls to a table for four in the center.

We laughed and talked about everything when Megan said:

"So what? Will party today?"

"A party?" I was surprised.

"Well yes," Annie drank pomegranate juice. "at home, every new year we are celebrating the party."

"Will you come?" Angela fixedly looked at me.

"I hate when you do that" I turned away from a friend. "you know, I can't. Parents are not allowed to go and say "New Year is the family holiday and blah blah blah"," I said in frustration.

"You are 16 years old!" Outraged Megan.  "Your parents are required to let you go!"

I received a message on the phone.
Our conversation with the girls and mother.

Chris: I will be with Nick on the new year✌I️'m about to go to Sacramento, you'll get your presents from mom ❤️

I angrily began to write answer

Lauren: Moooom and my girls are inviting me for the new year party, can I go??

Mom: Lauren, you know...

Lauren: Why is Christina can?!

Mom: She is 24 years old.

Lauren: I'm 16 and why I can not ever have fun ?!

Mom: Well, I do not know them!

Lauren: Angela will be with me! I come in the morning, well pleeeeaseeeeee

Mom: Well...

 I came home, we took Christmas and New Year's greetings, Lisa went to edit video, and I went into the shower and began to gather.

 I chose a dress that I bought recently while shopping with the girls. Black, short, with a white ribbon at the waist (Dudes, I honestly tried to draw it, but did odd sorry). Black tights, white heels. I wore a white feather earrings, my hair straightened and left loose.
Make-up, I did selfie and post it in instagram and twitter.

@ .Laurencimorelli: I can not wait for New Year's party with my girls

It's a lot of answers, to some, I decided to answer.

"I want to autfit !!" - Wrote some girl. I told her that soon will be, a white handbag and took down the first floor.

There I met Amy and asked her to take a picture of me, put a photo in the network and ran into the street, where I was waiting for a taxi.

Broken. (Lauren Cimorelli story. BOOK 1.)Where stories live. Discover now