"Say Dani that I hate her."

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Dani's POV

Today, Lauren wore a beautiful long dress, screwed, has made up and wished out parents good night, ran to the prom. My sister passed the exam and sent to the second year. She did not know that in fact represents the Angela. We just made it up again quarreled. And all because of her. I miss you, my sugar. Come back, please...

I just came out of the kitchen when the doorbell rang.

Strangely, all the houses, in addition to Lauren, but she could not come back so early.

I opened the door. There was a guy and friendly postman smiled.

"Hello," he looked at the paper in him hand, "And Mike Cimorelli lives here?"

"Yes,"I nodded.

"I have for him a registered letter, you will be able to call him?"

"Yes, of course." I nodded and yelled: "Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!"

"Yes?" I could hear from the second floor.

"A LETTER FOR YOU!" I shouted and turned to the boy, who looked at me like I was crazy. I smiled and shrugged.

On the stairs seemed dad.

"Country, I did not order." he muttered by signing a piece of paper, which gave him a postman.

"I dont know, all questions to the sender." he dug into his brown bag over his shoulder and took out a pretty plump envelope.

Dad was surprised and took the envelope and closed the door after the postman said goodbye and went down the steps.

"What is it?" I jumped on the interest. Dad chuckled at me and opened the envelope.

"Some photos." he said, pulling out a small stack of some photos. He began to look at them with a smiling face, but at least show he was angry. He was very angry. I've never seen a couple so. I even retreating one step back. Father watched the photos and furiously threw them on the floor.

"LYNNE! CHILDREN! Family gatherings! ALL IN THE LIVING ROOM IMMEDIATELY. Daniel, collect photos and carry into the living room." he told me and went into the living room.

Daniel? He says the full names, when he is very, very, very angry. What kind of photos are?
I sat down and picked up the first photo. Let's see what there is, I have sat on the ass. The photo was displayed Lauren. In her hands she held a cigarette and smiled calmly at the camera.
In the second photo - lifted me off the floor, she was too. She kissed some guy who climbed with one hand under the dress of my sister, but it was clear that she did not resist. Then Lauren's underwear in which the club together with Angela dancing on the table. As soon as I looked pictures, my heart was beating stronger and stronger. And when I saw the last photo, I had tears.

Lauren in a bathing suit, with a jar of the drink, but... She was thin as a skeleton. Lord, what is she to do? As I did not keep track of it? As I let this happen?... I brushed away tears and resolutely stood up from the floor. We need to tell all parents. I do not want to lose her. I'll tell them everything. About shop, where they stole the clothes, about her diet, about the fact that she was not a virgin. I heard her talking to someone on the phone after her birthday, then I thought it was Christina. I'll tell you all about Angela, about our fight. I'm sick to keep everything in herself. I think after that Lauren precisely cease to communicate with me, but it will take for her parents, and it will cease to kill herselve.

I first ran into the room and took Lauren out of her bedside her journal, then went downstairs and went into the living room, where the family gathered all perplexed. I gave the pictures dad and said loudly:

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