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Tomorrow is my sixteenth birthday. Unbelievable. Angela stayed the night with me today.

"Tomorrow wake up at six am," she said, writing something in her notebook. I sat near the mirror and brushing my hair. I heard the last words of a friend and it turned sharply.

"In six?! Are you kidding?!"

Girlfriend corrected funny glasses on her nose and said it is important to:

"I should make you ready for surprise."

I pouted and turned back to the mirror.

"I hate you."

"And I love you, my Lolo-bear," Angela hugged me by the shoulders and kissed me on the cheek and again began to write something on a pad.

"What are you write?"

"This is my plan for how to turn a very beautiful but very diffident Lauren Cimorelli in  sex bomb."

"What?!" I was horrified to look at  friend. She laughed.

"Just kidding, I just made you candy. By the way," Angela got off the bed and went to the big bag, which brought with it and pulled out something. "That I will give to Alex."

"What is it?" I was interested.

'What is treated to a surprise," slyly issued girlfriend, "Tomorrow you'll know."

"Girls, dinner!" Mom's voice came from the corridor. I put a comb, Angela notes and together we left the room and went down to the first floor.

Alex's POV.
We dined quietly, when Angela, sitting between me and Lauren, that it slipped under my elbow. I looked at her questioningly, but she put her index finger to her lips and nodded at my younger sister.

I carefully picked up a piece of cardboard (or what?) And put it in pocket. Then take a look. Angela pretty nodded and went back to her salad.

How they're both weird. Angela and Lauren. When mom said that on dinner would be potatoes and mushrooms on her special recipe, my sister and Angela asked mom to prepare some sort of easy salad. Angela said that she is allergic mushrooms and Lauren said that overeaten at Subway. "Strange they two," I thought, chewing on a piece of delicious mushroom.

After dinner everyone went, I was glad that Michael had gone and my bedroom, broke into two beds, which I secretly move it, I took out a piece of cardboard that which gave me Angela.

"Sweet Sixteen.
If you hold an invitation - you're lucky! You're invited to a party in honor of the birthday Lauren Kristen Cimorelli! She turns sixteen and you must help us to make this night memorable for her! And the addres. The turnout is required at ten pm, at the entrance to present this "ticket in a chic night." We are waiting for you! "

Wow! Apparently I'm not supposed to talk about it Lauren.

A knock at the door.


"Alex, may I come in?" The door opened and showed Angela. She smiled. "Will you come?"

I smiled too.

"I Think so. There must have someone to control," it is important I added.

Angela laughed. I smiled, looking at her. We have not seen and it definitely prettier.

"I certainly would invite the others, but Dani is too young and Amy's older... I like that is not on its own will," Angela bit her lip.

"I Will not say anything to anyone," I winked at her.

"Then Excellent!" Angela came to the door and turned around, "We are waiting for you," and then blew a kiss. "I am waiting for you," and she closed the door on the other side.

And what was it now?

POV Lauren.
Service at the phone rang at six am. I just turn off the phone and then fell asleep. I heard Angela's turned over, but did not attach any importance to this. But five minutes later I jumped on the bed, because in my face splashed with cold water. Above me was a strict Angela in her pajamas, why again I envied her figure, with an empty glass.

"Wake up!"

I sat up in bed with eyes still closed. Angela walked around the room, turned on the light, pulled up a chair back to the mirror and patted me on the shoulder.

"Wake up! Plans are waiting!"

I finally opened my eyes and saw in front of his face a little red box with white bow.

"Happy Birthday!"

I am joyful squeal hugged my friend and took a gift.

"Oh Nooo," Angela took me a box and hid it behind her back.

"Not fair!"

"Fair! Give then," Angela winked at me and removed the box in the closet. "Don't touch!"

Angela forcibly sat me in a chair.

"First - hair."

Girlfriend took a comb and I accepted the inevitable.

Half an hour later, Angela left  my hair and began eyebrows.

"Oh! Ouch! Oh-oh-oh! It's hurt, Angiiiiiii!" I howled.

"Calm Down! I have to give them shape!"

"Maybe it is not necessary?"

"I hope."

In Eight am Angela rummaged in his bag and pulled out accessories for manicure.

At nine am she examined me with a satisfied sigh, I turned to the mirror.
Looked at me completely different Lauren.

Instead of my usual side parting, was a simple parting, eyebrows acquired a completely different form, but it was so cool!


"Cool," I whispered.

"And What," it is important to answer girlfriend and her cheek for a kiss.
I'm glad to do it.

"And the rest of the evening. Now let's go down, show your mom her creation. And mine," we laughed together.

"Happy Birthday, Christina and Lauren!" Dad yelled at breakfast.

Everyone began to pour congratulations and distribute gifts. Michael gave me a cover for my phone, Christina - bracelet, Katherine - very beautiful notebook, Lisa and Amy - Dress, Alex - perfume, Dani murmured greetings, a little boys painted me a drawing. Parents gave Christina a car, and they gave me $ 1,000, said: "You buy yourself something"

I kissed all, all, except Dani, then I gave Christina a ticket for her favorite band (I do not know what kind of Chris's favorite band: D), making her very happy.

And traditionally, in our with Christina's birthday, we are all go out somewhere. This year we decided to go to the water park.

When we changed into swimsuits in my room, Angela said:

"Lauren, Please do not much urine your hair!"

I grinned.

"Yeah, I do not even want to swim, do not want to be someone in a swimsuit saw."

"Well you've lost weight. Incidentally, there dietary today?"

I picked up a poster with 5sos on a special board - there I was attached diagram diet. Today it is 15th day.

"Drinking day," I said.

Angela pretty nodded.

"That'S Perfect."

Broken. (Lauren Cimorelli story. BOOK 1.)Where stories live. Discover now