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We returned from the water park at six pm and Angela immediately put me in the same chair that morning. She looked at her clocks:

"So, We have 4 hours."

"Four hours before what?"

'Surprise," Angela winked at me and turned me from the mirror.

At eight-thirty I finally got up from my chair and rubbed my stiff legs.

"Don't look in the mirror!" Angela screamed when she saw that I want to turn around.

Then she rummaged in my closet, pulled out a black skirt, then pulled from his bag a blue top, pulled it all on me. Then got black stockings just above the knee and blue shoes.

"I don't know how to walk in high heels!" I protested when a friend sat me down on the sofa and began to pull my shoes.

Then took the box, which she told me was never presented, took out the incredible beauty of the hairpin, stabbed one of the bangs. Then was wearing lots of bracelets on my left hand. On the right I wore a bracelet that gave me Christina. Angela then left me alone, pick up my phone:

"Don't do a selfie ahead of time," and began to gather herself.

An hour later, she graduated with hair and makeup, wore a black dress, someone called and finally turned to me.

"Get Up."

I got up and staggered. Stupid shoes.
Angela laughed and took me to the mirror.

Oh. My. God. From the mirror looked at me Lauren. It was me, but... another... Very nice. Angela gave me a very nice gentle make-up, hair twirled.

"Thank you," I whispered.

"You're welcome" also whispered back girlfriend. Then she sprinkled my spirits. "Here Now all."

"Unbelievable," I hugged my friend.
She hugged me back.

"And Now gone."

We went out into the corridor, down to the first floor.

"Wait Here," Angela left me near the front door, then disappeared into the house. Then returned. "Your mom I'll take time off, now we can go."

We left the house and Angela dragged me to the taxi standing near our home. We sat in the back seat, Angela whispered the driver the address.

"Angi," I Quietly asked. "Can I ask?"

"If About a surprise, it is not," she smiled.

"No," I shook my head, "Are you a virgin?"

Angela, all eyes stared at me. Then grinned.


Now I stared at her.



The rest of the way I was in shock. Oh my God.

The taxi stopped near some at home, Angela slipped taxi driver money and literally dragged me to the door.

"Angi," Quietly I called a friend who has already grabbed the handle.

"Promise me one thing."


"Promise that you would never sleep with Alex."

Second brown eyes girlfriends splashing surprise mixed with indecision. But she nodded.

"Thank you," I said softly and Angela opened the door.

As soon as I walked into the dark hall, turned on the light and I saw a whole bunch of people who shouted "Happy Birthday Lauren!"

I gasped in surprise and pressed her hands to her cheeks. From all this heap teens I learned only Alex, Max and... Arthur.

All vying congratulated me, then Angela dragged me into the living room, where already played loud music. It was dark, but the walls were hung garlands, making the atmosphere was exciting.

On the long table Angela took the glass with a liquid and then put to me.

"Have fun. This is your night," and she disappeared into the crowd.

I thought a moment, whether or not to drink, but then I decided it was my day and some can be. I took a sip. Is It Tasty.

Someone touched my shoulder. I turned around and saw Arthur with a girl of medium height, with long pink hair.

"Happy Birthday." Arthur smiled.

"Thank you," I smiled.

"This is my sister," Arthur nodded at her and she smiled.


" Nice to meet you, I'm Lauren," but because they really look like, "Can I ask you a question?" Twins nodded. "And your hair?..."

Amilik laughed.

"Oh, we're just very close to Arthur, and when he was 13 he started to get rock..."

"In 15 she also dyed her hair," Arthur finished his sister.

I laughed too.

"You Guys are tough!"

"Cool," Amilik grinned. "But out mother almost killed us."

I laugh and released again sipped champagne.

Arthur was also picked up his glass and took a sip.

"Is It Tasty."

Here, instead of dance music from the speakers poured slow, I just drink up the champagne.

Amilik approached by a guy and she went with him to dance. Arthur looked at him sister in the back and grimaced, but I did not see it because I was approached Max and invited to dance. I gladly accepted and he took me to the center.

"Well, Happy Birthday, Lauren," he smiled.

"Thank you," I whispered, my eyes downcast. When raised, saw that Max looks at me, smiling slightly.

"You are so beautiful," he said softly and leaned toward me. When his lips were millimeters from my I pulled back a little, feeling frantic heartbeat.

"Max," I whispered. "I can't..."

The guy was surprised.

"Why? What is the problem?"

I looked into his blue eyes and thought, really, what's the problem? I took a purity ring. Max apparently saw the solution in my eyes and reached out again to my lips. This time I did not pull away.

When his lips touched mine, I thought I would explode with happiness right here. It was so incredible, I wanted to take off. But when it all comes to an end. Max pulled away from me when the music stopped. He took me to a place where they still stood Arthur, and disappeared into the crowd, saying he still finds me.

I could not catch my breath with excitement and without noticing distracting facial expressions Arthur grabbed off the table one more glass of champagne.

When I took a fifth cup, Arthur tried to stop me.

"Maybe enough?"

"No," I shook my head. Tongue tied.

Arthur shook his head, and I staggered, went into the center of the living room, I suddenly terribly wanted to dance.

There I caught Max and I dug into his mouth, he put his arm around my waist.

Someone touched my shoulder. I broke the kiss, turned around and saw an angry Alex.

"What are you doing?" He shouted.

"Go away, Alex," I muttered.

I saw Angela, who came to my brother who is easily touched his shoulder, whispered something in his ear and took away from the living room.

I turned to Max, he kissed me again. I felt his tongue in my mouth, my head went dim. The rest was a blur.

Broken. (Lauren Cimorelli story. BOOK 1.)Where stories live. Discover now