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Order only a bottle of sparkling water, I walked over to our table and sat on the empty seat. After a moment, Arthur sat down next to me .

"That's All here," Eva started. Then the village. "Let's start. My name is Eva Sofia Rhine. I'm sixteen years old, I have a little sister, we moved here from Australia a few years ago, I will learn to be an architect. Well, in general," Eva smiled.

All were talking, I listened carefully when Arthur leaned to my ear.

"Do you love music?"

"How do you know?" I was surprised.

"You have beautiful voice," Arthur grinned.

"And You?"

"I'm in a rock band..."

"Now is Arthur!" Eva interrupted.
Arthur swore softly.

"Artur Borup, 16 years old, has a twin sister, living here since birth, I will learn from the artist, playing in a rock band."

"Oh How cool!" Eva pressed her hands to her cheeks. "And your sister will be learning here too?"

"Yes," Arthur said dryly. "On the music. Violin."

"It'S Great!" Eva clapped her hands. "Now is Lauren."

"Lauren Kristen Cimorelli. I'll be sixteen in two days, has brothers and sisters," without going into details I said. "I will learn from the designer, I singing, That's all."

"Sing?" asked the girl with black hair, Aurora.

I nodded.

"Sing Something?" Eva peaded . I looked up the time. Twenty twelve. I need to be home in ten minutes.

"Listen, I'm sorry, but I really have to go, my sister would swear, if I late."

Eva's upset.

"Sad, You will not hear about the others."

"Will Time to get acquainted," I smiled nervously, "While everyone. "

As soon as I went outside, the phone rang.

"Lauren, where are you?!" Katherine cried.

"Already going."

"You can don't  hurry, Christina went to the hospital."

"What happened?" I was scared.

"Just A sharp pain in the tooth..

"Well, thank God."

Once home, I did not find the parents, but Chris said that they're and Christina in the hospital.

On the second floor, I habitually went to the bedroom now Dani's and Lisa's. Lisa painted nails, and Dani drew.

Both raised their heads at me.

"Oops, Sorry," I started out, but Lisa stopped me.

"Lauren, wait, we need to talk."

I nodded and we went out into the corridor.

"Talk to Dani."

"Why?" i tilted my head to the left.

Opened the door and walked Dani. Not looking at me, she walked down the hall and down the stairs.

Lisa sighed.

"Wait," And she disappeared into the room. A minute later she came out with a thin folder and gave it to me.

"Look It. It Dani's pictures. She cries every night. Try to get the folder until the evening."

And Lisa came back into the room, leaving me completely bewildered.

I walked down the hall past the bedroom brothers, sisters and parents, opened the white door at the end of the corridor, up the small flight of stairs, opened the door and violet light was in his room.

With shouts drove away Nick, who "played hide and seek with Joey" I lay on the bed and finally opened  a folder.

The first picture. I was dumbfounded. I am. Dani drew very well, I immediately recognized us from the cover of Cups. That moment when I showed her my tongue. When I watched the rest of the pictures, in my eyes stung. And the last picture. Tears rolled down all the same, as if I did not hold back. We are very small from our Sugar and Space show and we close with our last joint photograph taken back in Sacramento.

Oh my God ...

I am speechless given folder to Lisa, as if I did not want to talk to Space, I could not... Too much has changed... Too much...

Broken. (Lauren Cimorelli story. BOOK 1.)Where stories live. Discover now