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I lay down on the bed and looked at the screen. Angela just sent the link.
"Thanks <3"
I went to the link and, oh hell, the group with restricted access. I clicked "send request".
I decided to look for friends in facebook. Found Elli and another.
Then I remembered something and set up a month of hard work.
*A month later.*
Once I was accepted into the group "Anorexia". Angela with her parents and brother left for the whole of July in Spain for a vacation. I did not choose a diet without her, and decided to beat myself until a separate bedroom.

All month I helped relatives.
I helped Mike with his clients in a fitness club. I began to help to Christina write songs to put harmony and all that... Katherine was surprised because I began to show great interest in the cook, and she gladly began to help me. I began to spend more time with Amy and Lisa, they're began to ask me for advice on style.
With Dani I never made it up, Alex stood up to her side.

I Became more play with young boys, Dad become very grateful to me. They always hindered him in his work. And the whole month I hinted about the parents separate room.
And I began to eat less. Eliminate the salt, sugar from the diet, stopped going to Starbucks and Subway.

I was surprised when I saw minus four kilograms on the scales.
On the day of Angela's arrival, she is called and said that in Spain the big problems with the weather and it will arrive in two weeks. I was upset and went to the dining room.
Me and Katherine baked turkey on a new recipe.
All took their places and began to impose food.
I put myself tomato, one small potato, and quite a bit of turkey breast.
I was sitting right in front of parents and noticed something strange. They're looked at me, whispering and smiling. Christina sitting next to them, looked at me and smiled.

Dad stood up and cleared his throat. All fell silent and looked at him.

"Christina And Lauren," father looked at my sister and me. "Your Birthday next month, but,"  he raised his index finger, "Gift for Lauren we decided to do now!"

Everyone stared looked at me, I'm a little bit confused.

Dad pulled the key from his pocket.

"A car?" Alex looked unpleasantly surprised. - She's even does not know how to drive.

"Actually I do," I snapped.

-"Shh," My mother reproachfully looked at Alex.

"No, Alex, it's not a car. Lauren was very helpful to us this month, and we have decided to allocate to her own room!"

" What?!"Chorused Amy, Lisa and Dani in unison. Plug fell out of my hand.

But following the screams brought me back to reality.

"Why you did it?!" Lisa screamed. "I almost begged '21 years ask you for separate room!"

"Lisa, calm down," began dad.

"No!" Lisa abruptly stood up from his chair and turned it upside down. "She's better than me?! If it comes to that, it is better to give a separate bedroom Chrissy! It is a lot of things for us to do!"

I bit my lip, but not going to surrender.

"Did - so deserved! All month I helped to parents and did not paint my nails a hundred times a day!"

Lisa closed her mouth went red spots of anger and flew out of the dining room.

At the table there was silence.

"Do not pay attention," quietly said Christina, but Dani interrupted her.

"Don't pay attention?! It's not fair! None of the children had a separate room or in Sacramento, neither here!"

Broken. (Lauren Cimorelli story. BOOK 1.)Where stories live. Discover now