"Do not even think

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I woke up because someone fingered my forehead. Opening my eyes, I saw the frightened mother.

"You have a fever," she blurted out, "How do you feel?"

"Bad," I croaked, "Mom, what time?"

"Nearly eight. You sleep all day! Your father and I go to the store. Sleep, my dear," she kissed me on the forehead and left.

A moment later flew Lisa and Katherine. Last looked surprised.

"Wow order!"

And Lisa ran to me, hugged me and whispered:

"I'm so sorry, I'm an idiot, you're the best sister!"

I nodded weakly.

All the throat burning. Head hurts, as the whole body. It feels like I have moved the bus.

"Bring something?"

"Water, please..."

Lisa nodded and left.

Kath came to me.

"Poor Lolo," sadly she said.

I closed my eyes.
That backfired my bathing in ice water.
Remembering that it was in the bathroom, I automatically put my left hand under the blanket, although the wrist bandage was transported, and on top was a black wristband.

"It's cold?" asked sympathetically Kath.

I nodded and suddenly felt a shiver.



"And the girl from Russia?"

"From Twitter?" Surprised sister. I nodded.

"Yes, from Russia."

"And how many times in Russia now?"

"Well, looking at what it is the city. From Moscow with us eleven hours difference. I do right now, surprise," Katherine nodded and pulled out the phone, "For @pizza_cim... "hello pizza cim :) You said you did not lag behind, and we decided to give you a chance." Limit... "To begin with three questions: what is your name? How old are you? And tell something about you." Send," Katherine smiled contentedly.

"That's for sure a good morning it will have," I smiled.

"And then!"

Lisa brought water, I drank and fell asleep again.

And when I woke up, the window barely dawn, Lisa and Dani slept.
Pulling out from under the pillow the phone, I looked up the time. Five am. That'S Perfect. I noticed about pillows note from Katherine.

"Her name is Katya. She is 16 and she lives in Moscow. So that adds to our time eleven. With love, Kath"

Cool. I quickly made the calculations in mind, it is now for four.
Last tweet she wrote ten minutes ago. Something in Russian.

"Hello how are you?"

The answer came after half a minute.

"Just a minute"

I was surprised.

"I'm sorry, I just cried from happiness ;) I'm good, and you?"

I grinned.


"What happened? :( And why you do not sleep at five am?"

"Ill. Throat."

Broken. (Lauren Cimorelli story. BOOK 1.)Where stories live. Discover now