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I stood in front of an impressive four-storey building of the college. I'm filling out an application to study here at the official website of the college, and today the official collection of all freshmen.

I went to the wide doors and a second was a huge bright hall. The left and right of the entrance stretched comfortable beige sofas, standing next to each coffee table. At each and every teenagers sitting at this moment with interest treated me. I'm a little confused by the views of about a hundred teenagers and seeing the sofa on which sat a girl, went there.
Coming closer, I saw that she was wearing headphones. I gently touched her shoulder, she shuddered and looked at me anxiously. Then she smiled and took off the headphones. Something about her was familiar. Where I had seen her.

"Sorry," I said confusedly. "I didn't want to scare you."

"Nothing," she smiled amiably, "I'm Teala," she gave me her swarthy hand.

"Lauren," I smiled and shrugged her outstretched palm. Teala was very beautiful. Long dark brown hair, dark skin, beautiful brown eyes. All such miniature.

I sat down on the couch next to her.

Teala smiled again:

"I graduated with honors from the school," her voice sounded proud.

"Congratulation," I said truly. "And I  was homeschooled."

"Wow," She was surprised. "Cool, perhaps, get up, and go to sleep enough as to learn..."

I grinned.

"Not Really, I got up at six am."

"And I was eight," my new friend laughed, "You're on what faculty?"

"On The designer," I smiled, "And you?"

"On The director to shoot. I love filming something."

"And I shot," I laughed.

"And I know," Teala smiled slyly.  "Lauren Kristen Cimorelli."

"Are mutually, Teala Bunn," I blurted out and we laughed.

Our laughter was interrupted three women descended the stairs.

The oldest of them clapped her hands, drawing attention.

"Hello," She said, when all fell silent and stared at her, "My name is Mrs. Tishens. I Dean of the Faculty of Music. All first-year students, which to me - come here."

About thirty boys and girls rose from their seats and followed Mrs. Tishens, up the stairs.

Very young woman long blond braid coughed and said:

"I am Miss Flex. Those who are on the faculty of arts - come to me," she smiled sweetly.

I stood up.

"Good luck," Teala whispered to me.

"And You," just a whisper I said to her and smiled.

We climbed the stairs and turned left. Passing through the corridor pale peach color, we stopped at a white door. Miss Flex asked us to stand around her and said:

"I'll go into the office now and you in turn will go inside. You all fill out an application on the official site?" We're nodded, "Excellent. Do not worry so much," she laughed. "I just checked your documents and we will talk," and Miss Flex came into the office.

We all looked at each other in surprise. Suddenly, a speaker above the door came a voice:

"Astrid Evangelina."

A girl with short black hair came to the door and turned, startled us.

Then sighed and disappeared behind the door.

All spoke softly, I stood a little apart, when the center of the left little plump girl with red hair.

"Guys give me a minute?"

We are all staring at het in amazement.

"We will learn together five years..."

"Actually, We will all learn from different streams," unceremoniously interrupted boy in a strange rocker clothes with pink hair.

"Well, it is not so," she wasn't confused disgruntled boy's tone. "Yet, we are all on the Faculty of Arts, and I suggest we all get to know after talking with Miss Flex. My name is Eva," she smiled. "So what? You can go to a small cafe after class?"

All spoke approvingly, me too, but the voice of the strange guy blocked hum:

"I will not go."

"Why?" Eva's upset.

"Because I have rehearsal. Speech in four days."

"Music?" Involuntarily escaped me.

Everyone looked at me, but I saw only boy's the cold blue eyes.

"Yeah, but what?" The challenge he asked.

"Nothing," I shrugged. "I'm making music."

The guy smiled approvingly and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Eva.

"Well, you see how much we have learned! Come on... uh, what's your name?"

"Is it mean something?" the guy grinned crookedly.

"Well, okay, come on, agree! Nobody is against?"

"No," we're all cried.

"You!" Eva came to me. "What's your name?"

"Lauren," stunned I said, just not expecting such pressure.

"Lauren goes too! And you go! You're both making music, come on!"

Rocker examined me from head to toe.

"Twenty Minutes. Twenty minutes. Then I'll go."

I felt my heart beating wildly. He's agreed because of me?

Then came Evangelina and happily chirped:

"You Yell so loud, there you have a very audible."

"Evangelina are you in a hurry?" Rattled Eva.

Evangeline shrugged.


"Borup Arthur" came a voice from the speaker.

Rocker guy away from the wall, where he was all the time and went to the door, throwing passing glance at me. I blushed and looked down. I received a notification on my phone. I pulled the phone out of the bag. The message from Christina.

"Lauren, today at 12:30 rehearsal. We were invited to the next concert. Please try to arrive at this time: *"

Time is 11:13.

"Um, Eva," I called.

Eva explains something to Evangelina, whirled, making her red curls funny jumped.

"I will not last very long. Sister just wrote a message to come."

Eve a little upset.

"I Hope you can learn the basic of all of us," she genuinely smiled and turned back to Evangelina.

When called to me, the time was ten minutes to twelve. We came out of college at twelve ten and all headed to Subway encampment, where we shot some episodes of our show.

Rising up for Eva, who managed to achieve that for us pushed two tables.
Miss Flex just asked me for my phone number and asked details about the parents and provide guidance on the first day of school.

Broken. (Lauren Cimorelli story. BOOK 1.)Where stories live. Discover now