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We lay on the Angela's big bed. My friend didn't have 10 brothers and sisters, so she lived in the bedroom alone.

"What happened?" Angela asked quietly.

"We had a fight. Dani said that I no have a younger sister anymore."

"Don't worry, everything will be fine."

We were silent for another five minutes, when I decided to ask:



"How did you lost weight?" Angela up on her elbows and stared at me.

"Well, don't look at me like that" I'm embarrassed. "You just don't take offense, but before you were..."

"Fatty cow?"

"Yes. I mean no!" Angela laughed. "Well don't interrupt me! Well, a little plump. And now, you're like.. like..."

"Like a butterfly?" She smiled.

"Yes," I  smiled. "How did you do that?"

Angela sighed loudly, got out of bed, picked up the laptop and with it flopped back.

I scooted closer.

Girlfriend went on facebook and opened community.

"Do you have a facebook account?"

"Well, in general, that is, but I go there rarely."

"Look here. Stumbled upon this group."
She turned the mouse on the name of the group. "Anorexia"

I slowly walked to home. I spent the night with a friend, but we did not sleep. We sat in the same group and Angela told me about all the diets, in which she was sitting. Hell, ABC disappearance. She is frustrated, do herself a skin cuts, falls into depression and sat on diet again. She dropped to the desired weight, but could not stop.

"I just love the feeling of lightness, of hunger. I love every morning to see the weight is less than last night."

I did not even notice that was in the house. And I was scared. Yesterday I went and didn't warned anyone. I sighed and opened the door. Such a strange silence. I looked into the kitchen and dining room. Where is everybody? What the hell is going on ?!

I went into the living room. Mom and dad sitting on the couch and jumped sharply. They obviously wanted to say something, but I was ahead. I hugged my father and kissed his cheek.

"Hi, Daddy," he was taken aback. Mom froze with her mouth open.

"I'm sorry I didn't warn you. Angela asked me sleep with her. Just her parents left..." Well, again, I'm lying.
Mom closed her mouth and looked at father. He's sighed and kissed my forehead.

"Nothing, just call me next time."

"Where are guys?" I asked, glad that the plan "suck" load.

"Christina drove into the pool with Joey, Chris and Nick had basketball today, Katherine with them. Michael at work, Alex is here, Dani was in the room, and Lisa and Amy in the mall. Lauren?"

"Yeah, Mom?"

"Talk to Dani. Reconciled. She was crying yesterday."

I nodded and walked out into the hall. Thank God, they did not fight. "Toady" Lauren ahead them. I heard footsteps on the stairs and looked up. Alex.

"Hi, Alex." I smiled, but he silently walked past. Fine.
I bit my lip and went upstairs. Opening the door to our bedroom, I immediately saw Dani, who was sitting on the floor in front of her cabinet. She was still in her pajamas, but in front of her on the floor were three sets of clothes. Apparently, she chose that dress. I ignored her and went to the closet and pulled out from its shelves white laptop. I bought it somewhere a year ago, but opened on the strength of three times. Simply because of lack of time.

Climbed on my bunk bed and turn it on.
On the wallpaper picture of me and Dani. I glanced at my sister and opened the Internet.

I opened Facebook, introduced a login and password, and while it loads, I opened Twitter.

For the first time in six months including laptops.

A whole bunch of notifications. I have not started reading because Facebook booted.

Wow! More than ten thousand applications as a friend! Many invitations to groups. I looked at my avatar and burst out laughing. Me and Angela in the wacky bows on their heads, sports jerseys and shorts. Many likes and comments. Last made this morning.

Angela Malek:
Delete it bitch:D

I smiled, went to her page and click the "Add to Friends". And immediately put on another avatar photo, which we did with Angela recently.
There was a notice. "Angela Malek. Has accepted your application to friends."
I smiled and wrote her a message.
"Hi :)"
"Hi :) Well? Ancestors shouting?"
"No, do not have time:D"
" lucky :)"
"Give me the link to the group?"
"One moment :)"
"Okay :)" - printed and I heard the cry of a strict mother.


I was scared and jumped out of bed. On the floor lay two sets of clothes - Dani was not here. I'm saying to myself that outfits very good, jumped out into the corridor.

Jumping out of the room, I ran into Alex. He supported me, so I did not fall, and said:

"This Is already too much."

"What are you talking about?"

But he had gone to his bedroom.
Oh, what's again?! I ran to the first floor and burst into the living room. Dani with red eyes stood between the parents.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Wow you don't know our mission "Americans next Top Model" Dani snapped.

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Dani Said you laughing about her outfit."

"You're lying again!" I glared at my sister and turned to mother. "Mom, I did not even see that she wore!"

"Don't scream," mom said calmly.

"Yeah! I got dressed and stood at the mirror - you glanced at me! I wore a cap and a bracelet - you snorted!"

"There was not like that! I looked at you, because our picture is on my desktop in a laptop!"

"And grinned?" Dad asked.

"Because I saw an old photograph in my avatar."

Dani blushed a little.

"You're done?! The interrogation is over?" I turned around and went back into the bedroom.

Broken. (Lauren Cimorelli story. BOOK 1.)Where stories live. Discover now